News list

  • 30th December 2021

    Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust (CLCH) is delighted to announce that five staff across the Trust have received The Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Award for Outstanding Service. Also known as the ‘Queens Nurse’ award, it is awarded by the Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI).

  • 13th December 2021

    As part of Disability History Month, we chatted to the Trust’s new wellbeing lead, Ella-Lucia Ricci (known as Lucia) who is part of the Organisational Development and Culture team. We are very grateful to Lucia for sharing her story about her disabilities, initial feelings towards this and how she has embraced her difference to drive inclusivity in the workplace.

  • 25th November 2021

    Local people across North West London are being asked what is important to them as the NHS and its partners look to develop community-based specialist palliative care services for adults that deliver high quality care and excellent patient experience. This work forms part of a review of these services, being led by the North West London Integrated Care System (ICS), of which CLCH is a partner.

  • 23rd November 2021

    CLCH is proud to be joining UK Disability History Month (UKDHM) from Thursday 18 November to Monday 20 December 2021 to celebrate and mark this important month. The theme for this year is Disability and Invisible Impairment. It aims to focus on human rights and raise awareness of the unequal position of disabled people in society.

  • 15th November 2021

    Today (Monday 15 November 2021) marks the start of Anti-Bullying Week across England, a national campaign run by the Anti-Bullying Alliance to highlight and tackle instances of bullying. The week itself runs from Monday 15 November until Friday 19 November. We would like to remind patients and service users that any instances of disrespectful, abusive or unacceptable behaviour will not be tolerated.