Image of a nurse working

Our health and wellbeing programme is about you being physically and emotionally healthy when you work for us.

We're committed to ensuring our working environments are safe and conducive to health, and that we implement initiatives that promote and support healthy lifestyles.

As an employee here, you'll have access to a range of occupational health and wellbeing services, including: osteopathy and physiotherapy services; acupuncture; dental checks; complementary therapies; immunisation programmes and Freedom to Speak Up support.

Our staff’s health and wellbeing is of the upmost importance to us. The Employee Health Service (EHS), also known as Occupational Health, provide core occupational health services including:
•    Pre-placement health screening to help address any health needs you may have.
•    Workplace immunisation programmes to ensure you are trained on the management of occupational exposures to blood and body fluids (all of our staff are encouraged to have the free flu vaccination every year).
•    Contributions to the costs of your eyesight tests and glasses if you need them to be able to work. We also provide health and safety training, give you advice specific to your job and assess and monitor the environment you work in.

In addition staff can also access specialist services:
MSK (Musculoskeletal) physiotherapy services:

This is provided by an external provider who offer a blended model of treatment, predominately remote via video-consultations but with some hands on treatment at a local clinic if required. Between consultations you will be provided with exercise programme to help you manage and improve your condition.
Mental health services:

Within the Employee Health Service we have a Practitioner Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Mental Health Nurse and counsellor. They are able to assist with 1:1 and group therapy, and provide support for teams with debriefing for any workplace.

Wellbeing support

The CLCH Wellbeing Pledge ensures the trust has structured wellbeing delivery that is evidence based and targeted to support individual physical, mental health, and wellness. The CLCH Wellbeing Plan supports the creation of a healthy, fulfilled, resilient and productive workforce working to the best of its ability, enabling the best service to be provided to patients and residents. The Pledge says that “CLCH exemplifies an organisational culture which visibly priorities wellbeing.”

Our commitment to staff:

  • Across all commitments and activity, we utilise effective technologies and communication networks to actively support wellbeing service delivery, such as the Wellbeing App.  
  • We promote compassionate, inclusive leadership that sponsors trust through inductions and regular training
  • We continue to build a culture of positive health, support, and wellbeing collaboration, including the development of our networks of staff wellbeing ambassadors, mental health minders and mental health first aiders
  • We have built a network of wellbeing support and opportunities including flexible working. Find more information on flexible working on the Pay and Benefits page

As part of our overall commitment to the equality of opportunity and valuing diversity, as an organisation we are fully committed to promoting a harmonious and supportive working environment, where every employee is treated with consideration, respect and dignity.

Harassment and bullying are in direct opposition to our aims and values, which include our commitment to treat people with courtesy, dignity and respect and to embrace difference, diversity and fairness. Harassment and bullying in any form can have a detrimental impact on working lives by adversely affecting the health, morale and performance of those affected by it, including those who witness it.

Similarly, we do not tolerate acts of violence, aggression, harassment or abuse towards staff and professionals who work in, or provide services to, the NHS. We consider the safety of all staff of paramount importance and are committed to providing, as far as is reasonably practicable, safe environments and systems of work for all staff whilst you are performing their duties. We do not expect staff to subject themselves to, or be exposed to, any unnecessary risks or to cope alone with potential or actual violent situations.

We will do all that is reasonable and practicable to prevent and protect all staff from any form of violence at work and to equip them, as far as possible, to deal with any incidents that do arise. We will ensure that all complaints of violence are taken seriously and that there are procedures in place for managers and staff that help them to deal with potential or actual violent situations.

Procedures are also available at both informal and formal levels to deal with complaints and disputes relating to bullying and harassment, including an option for mediation. Support for those involved in or affected by bullying and harassment is also available and a robust monitoring system for cases of bullying and harassment is in place.

In addition, a number of Trust employees have been appointed and trained as wellbeing champions as an independent and confidential resource to offer support to staff to help with emotional and physical wellbeing.

If you are a patient, carer or family of a patient, please raise any concerns or make suggestions with the PALS team.

Speaking up is about anything that gets in the way of doing a great job. This can also be termed as raising concerns or whistleblowing, whether it is linked to patient care, systems, processes, a staff member’s experience within a team, or something else:

CLCH understands that it is important that we all feel able to say something when something has gone wrong or could go wrong. Staff should feel confident that they will be listened to and that it will be used as an opportunity for learning and improvement.

Our Freedom to Speak Up Vision: “We are committed to promoting an open and transparent culture across the organisation to ensure that all members of staff experience a compassionate climate where they are confident to speak up and everyone can learn.”

Anyone who carries out work for the Trust is encouraged to speak up. That includes healthcare professionals, non-clinical staff, all managers, volunteers, students, bank and agency workers and former employees. We have a Freedom to Speak Up Policy.

Our Freedom to Speak Up Guardian is Martin Jones. He will help workers to speak up when they feel they cannot do so through their line manager or by other routes. Martin is supported by a network of Freedom to Speak Up Champions, who guide staff on how and/or where to raise concerns. He can be contacted on email: Alternatively, you can email to contact our Non-Executive Director Lead for Freedom to Speak Up, Dr Carol Cole.

Follow this link to the National Guardian’s Office where you will find more information about speaking up in the NHS.