We have a duty to support and care for those most in need. To do this, we must hold records about you, your personal circumstance and the services/care you are receiving or may need to receive in the future.
This information will be held securely either on paper or on an electronic record.
The record may include:
- basic details about you, such as address, date of birth, postcode, sex, first language, next of kin, NHS number, ethnic group; in some cases, this might also include genetic information; biometrics (where used for ID purposes); health;
- sex life; or sexual orientation
- current and past contacts we have had with you
- notes and reports about your health and social care and any treatment, care or support you need
- details and records about the services or care you receive and who is providing them
- results of your tests and diagnosis
- relevant information from other professionals, relatives or those who care for you or know you well
- any contacts you have with us such as home visits or outpatient appointments
- information on medicines, side effects and allergies
- patient experience feedback and treatment outcome information, you have provided
- photos or videos you have consented to be taken
- Please note that this is not a full list of the types of information we hold or handle.
Most of your records are electronic and are held on a computer system or a secure IT network. New ways of providing joined up services are being implemented, with closer working with GPs and other healthcare and social care providers.
To assist this, the use of other electronic patient record systems to share your information will be implemented. You will be given the opportunity to say no and to opt-out of this sharing. To do this, please speak to your GP or the team providing your treatment.