Friends and Family Test
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The Friends and Family Test (FFT) is a short questionnaire that we offer to patients and their families or carers when treatment or care has been received at CLCH.
This is important feedback that helps us to recognise and improve areas within our services.
How does it work?
The Friends and Family Test (FFT) is an optional questionnaire that is offered to all patients, and their families or carers when care has been received at CLCH. This is either shared as a printed form or more commonly now, as an email or text message.
You will be asked to answer the following question, ranking your answer from ‘very good’ to ‘very poor’.
Question: “Overall, how was your experience of our service?"
Completed printed forms should be returned to the service prior to ending your visit with us.
Why is it important?
Patients say that they care about their experience as much as clinical effectiveness and safety.
Patient experience is about making sure that patients and their families or carers have the best experience possible at every stage of their care and treatment.
It is therefore important that we capture experiences so that we can recognise and improve areas within our services.