Get involved and make a difference to our services.
Feedback, compliments, and complaints
If you need to raise a concern, pass on a compliment or tell us something about your experience of our services you can contact our customer service team (also known as PALS).
Find out more about PALS.
Become a Patient Representative
Turn your patient experience into patient expertise. Become a Patient Representative and help us make improvements, develop new ideas and ensure patient voice is at the heart of everything we do.
Find out more about how to become a Patient Representative with us.
Become a volunteer
Why not volunteer with us to extend your experience and contribute to your local NHS services? There are a range of volunteering roles and opportunities with us to help support patients and families. It's a great way to meet new people and gain new skills.
Find out more about how to become a volunteer with us.
Help improve services
We want to put people at the heart of care to help improve the quality of our services. We seek views and undertake consultations about specific changes and developments but we also want to encourage other, more active ways of getting involved.
Find out about how you can participate to help shape and support what we do.