Tri-borough learning disabilities
Read more about this page below
Who are we?
The Community Learning Disability Team (CLDT) for People with Learning Disabilities, is a multi-disciplinary team of health care professionals, who work in partnership with people with learning disabilities, their carers and other agencies to overcome difficulties and problems. The team works across the three boroughs (Westminster, RBKC, Hammersmith and Fulham).
The CLDT offers support for adults aged 18 years upwards who have a diagnosis of learning disability. The team also supports the assessment and signposting of young people in transition from children to adult service from the age of 16 years. The team includes health specialists from CLCH including clinical and counselling psychologists, community learning disability nurses; physiotherapists; speech and language, occupational therapists.
There are consultant psychiatrists employed by Central North West London (CNWL) mental health Trust and a public health lead for the Tri-borough service.
The team also works in partnership with social workers employed by the three councils.
Triborough Learning disability team
- Triborough team leaflet
- Physiotherapy
- Learning Disability Nursing
- Learning Disability Occupational Therapy
- Learning Disability Speech and Language Therapy
- Learning Disability Clinical Psychology
What is a learning disability?
A learning disability (defined by Dept of Health and Social Care) is:
- A significantly reduced ability to understand new or complex information, to learn new skills (impaired intelligence), with a reduced ability to cope independently (impaired social functioning), which started before adulthood.
- A learning disability is different for everyone. The degree of disability can vary greatly. In all cases, a learning disability is a lifelong condition.
All 3 criteria must be met for a person to be considered to have a global learning disability:
- Reduced ability to understand new/complex information or learn new skills (IQ less than 70)
- Reduced ability to cope independently
- Onset before 18 with lasting effects on development
Learning disability eligibility assessment
- If you think you may have a learning disability – we may need to do a full assessment
- This is called an Eligibility Assessment
- Our psychologists do this
- They will ask about the school you went to
- They will ask about what you find difficult
Local offer
- For patients who may find it difficult to understand or consent to blood tests or vaccinations, please refer to the LD Service for support with desensitisation
- Can support those practices who have not achieved the target for completion of AHC’s and HAP’s
- We can provide accessible and easy read information for specific needs. Please contact the email above for advice. We are working on a directory of services at present and will share this as soon as possible
- We offer health promotion training and learning disabilities awareness for all staff groups
How to refer to our service
Please send the completed form to the CLCH Single Point of Access via electronic referral on SystemOne.
If the patient does not consent to sharing their clinical records, email the referral to the CLCH Single Point of Access (SPA) to
Accessing dental care
Routine care may be provided by either:
- General Dental Service (GDS) = local family dentist – may be NHS or private
- Community Dental Service (CDS) – patients resident in the boroughs of H&F, K&C and Westminster can be referred to CLCH CDS, by any health care professional ( e.g. GP.). There are several CDS clinics across CLCH.
For more information please contact:
Tel: 02075346524
Complicated procedures may need to be undertaken in the Hospital setting
The GDS or CDS or GP will need to make the referral to Hospital. Routine dental care will still be carried out locally.
Adult social care contacts
Duty contacts for ASC across Tri B required including email and phone number.
- H&F | Email: | Tel: 020 8753 1900
- RBKC | Email: |Tel: 0207 313 6843
- Westminster | Email: | Tel: 020 7641 7411