Our school nursing teams help young people to make the best possible start to life by monitoring their health and promoting good health habits from an early age.
Find information about the health visiting and school nursing services we provide in your local area.
School nurses work with families and young people from when they start school at 4 up to 19 years of age and are usually linked to a school or group of schools, providing a link between school, home and the community. Their aim is to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people.
School nurses are not based in schools but work in partnership with linked schools and other professionals to ensure your child's health needs are met. This may include signposting or referring to other services. Your school might also have a welfare officer/first aider who is in school every day to help if your child is injured or unwell. Their role is very important but is different to that of the school nurse.
Our school nursing teams see children and young people between 4 and 19 years of age who are attending a school in Merton, Brent, Ealing, Richmond, Wandsworth, Barnet and Hammersmith & Fulham. Their aim is improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people.
Our school nurses have two main roles:
- To give confidential advice, care and treatment to young people and their parents and/or carers.
- To look after and protect a young person's physical and emotional health.
Our school nursing teams deliver a range of programmes including:
- Developmental screening including height, weight, vision and hearing
- Health and sex education
- Working with children who have additional health needs
- The Healthy Child Programme (available to all pupils attending state schools)
- Safeguarding children
- Most of our services are also available to offer support to parents, carers and school staff
Who works in our school nursing team?
- Specialist school nurses
- Community staff nurses
- School nurse assistants
- Support and administration
Children and young people between 4 and 19 years of age who attend state schools in Brent, Barnet, Ealing, Hammersmith & Fulham, Wandsworth, Richmond and Merton.
Children and young people can also self-refer to our school nursing service.
Our school nursing teams require the following information to accept a referral:
- child/young person name
- child/young person address
- child/young person contact details
- child/young person date of birth
- GP details
- name of the school they attend
- details of any relevant health issues
Referrals to the school nursing service are usually made directly to the school nursing team attached to the school. See the below local area resources for your school nursing referral forms.
Age 4-11
Our school nurses are experienced in supporting children with health conditions so that they can make the most out of their education. We’ve identified the most common conditions below and explained how the school nurse can help, along with advice and guidance for how you can work most effectively with the school.
Each school has a named school nurse who you can speak to if you have any worries.
You can contact the school nurse between 8-5pm Monday Friday. They will get back to you will back to you within a maximum of three working days. If you have an urgent concern about your child’s health please contact the school and in an emergency dial 111.
Useful websites
There is lots support out there for parents with advice about the most common childhood issues. Here are a few that might be helpful.
Health checks
It’s important that your child gets the right check ups, to help them stay healthy and ensure that they can get medical support if needed. We’ve listed the key health checks below. You’ll need to check with your child’s school to see if they provide any of these as part of the school nursing service and if they don’t, you will need to contact your local GP.
It is recommended that your child visits a local optician for a free eyesight test
Your child must be registered with a GP and a dentist; after a dental check-up, your dentist will recommend when to book another appointment, this is usually 6 – 12 monthly for under 18 year olds.
Your child should have their pre-school booster vaccinations that will protect them from transmittable infections. These include MMR and the nasal Flu vaccine. You will need to contact your GP for this. Information on childhood immunisations. Nasal Flu is also offered in school every year.
Weight and height
This is for part of the national child measurement programme and will be offered to children in reception age and year six.
And remember……
Return your completed child’s health questionnaire to the school so that the school nurse is aware of any essential medical information especially if they require medication to be given in school.
Resources for Primary School children during the Corona crisis:
Top tips for keeping fit while inside:
Recipe book
What is Corona?
Little Puddings, The Autism Educator have developed a leaflet which helps to explain Coronavirus and what we should be doing. See resource here
Age 11-19
Our school nurses are experienced in supporting young people with health conditions so that they can make the most out of their education. We’ve identified the most common conditions below and explained how the school nurse can help, along with advice and guidance for how you can work most effectively with the school.
Each school has a named school nurse who you can speak to if you have any worries.
You can contact the school nurse between 8-5pm Monday - Friday. They will get back to you within a maximum of three working days. If you have an urgent concern about your health please contact the school and in an emergency dial 111.
Our school nurse contact details are listed by borough in the purple tabs on this page.
Drop in’s
All secondary schools have a drop in session during a lunch hour, once a week. You can go along and see your school nurse without an appointment. We offer advice and support on any aspect of your health and emotional wellbeing that you have worries about. If we cannot help we will usually find someone who can.
Long term illnesses
If you’ve had an illness for a long time, your school nurse can help you manage it. We’ve listed some of the most common illnesses below, but if yours isn’t on our list, please do speak to your school nurse as they will be able to help you.
Each school has a named school nurse who you can speak to if you have any worries.
Useful websites
The internet is vast and there is lots of support out there for anything that might be troubling you. Below are just a few of the most popular support services. Remember that you can always speak to your school nurse if you need to.
- The Mix
- Anxiety UK
- B-eat.co.uk
- NHS Go
- Life signs
- Young carers
- Talk to Frank
- Young Minds
- Getting it On
- Mermaids
Your health
It’s important to get check-ups so that you stay healthy and can get the right medical help if needed.
- You must be registered with a GP and a dentist; after a dental check-up, your dentist will recommend when to book another appointment, this is usually 6 – 12 monthly for under 18 year olds.
- If you are concerned about your eyesight, visit a local optician for a free eyesight test
All you need to know about Immunisations at school.
If you do have any more questions, please ask your school nurse.
Your health as a school leaver
Don’t worry! When you leave school you can access support from your GP practice. If you have a long term health condition your paediatric consultant will make sure that your health records are transferred over to an adult consultant who will help manage your health from that point onwards.
If you are worried about where you can access health support once you leave school speak to your school nurse who will be able to help you find the right services.
Resources for young people at Secondary School during the Corona crisis:
Top tips for keeping fit while inside:
Recipe book:
What is Corona?
Little Puddings, The Autism Educator have developed a leaflet which helps to explain Coronavirus and what we should be doing. See resource here
Barnet School Nursing Service
- 0-19 Single Point of Access: 0208 2002500
- Email: CLCHT.ChildHealthInformationHub@nhs.net
- Opening hours: 7 days a week, 9am to 5pm
South School Nursing Team
Email: clcht.BarnetSouthSNTeam@nhs.net
West School Nurse team
Email: CLCHT.BarnetWestSNteam@nhs.net
East Central School Nurse Team
Email: clcht.BarnetEastCentralSNTeam@nhs.net
Barnet school nursing referral form
To refer to the Barnet school nursing team please complete our referral form. You can find out which school is under the care of which school nursing team here.
The school health questionnaire informs the school nurse of any medical information about your child, which is vital especially if they require any medication to be administered in school.
The completed and returned questionnaire provides us with the most up-to-date demographic and health information about your child.
Any information you provide is confidential and will only be shared with the school on a need-to-know basis, ensuring your child receives appropriate care to enable them to reach their potential whilst staying safe and well at school.
Special School Nursing Brent
The special schools nursing team promotes the health and wellbeing of children and young people in Brent with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The team’s priority is to help pupils achieve their potential in school by supporting them and their families with their health needs.
The nurses are experienced in supporting children and adults with learning disabilities. Working closely with education, social care and other healthcare professionals, the nurses help care for pupils with complex health needs and medical conditions and support them to access education.
They also give advice to help parents and special schools to manage children's medical conditions and provide training and support for teachers and teaching assistants on specific conditions.
Their work also includes:
- continence management and advice
- safeguarding
- health promotion
- administering regular and emergency medication
- health care plans
- enteral feeding
- training
- developmental checks to monitor pupils' height and weight as required for specific children
- referrals to and liaison with other services as required
- parent forums
- health promotion
All pupils at any of the four special schools in Brent are eligible to use the service. Children, young people and parents can get in touch by telephoning or emailing the team directly using the contact details below.
Telephone: 02032352079 | Email: clcht.villageschool@nhs.net
Brent school nursing team
- 0-19 Single Point of Access: 020 8102 4900
- Email: clcht.brentspaduty@nhs.net
- Opening hours: 7 days a week, 9am to 5pm
Brent school nursing referral form
To refer to the Brent school nursing team please complete our referral form.
Brent school readiness checklist
If your child is a rising 5 due to start school in the new academic year and living in Brent you can complete the Brent school readiness checklist for your child.
Contacting the Ealing team
Hanwell Children's Centre
25a Laurel Gardens
W7 3JG
Admin hub telephone number: 020 8102 5888
Opening hours: 7 days a week, 9am to 5pm
Ealing school nursing referral form
To refer to the Ealing school nursing team please complete our referral form.
Hammersmith and Fulham 0-19 Single point of access
- Phone (select option 2): 0208 200 2500
- Email: CLCHT.ChildHealthInformationHubkcwf@nhs.net
- Opening hours: 7 days a week, 9am to 5pm
School nurse bases
You can find out which team covers your child's school in our H&F School health directory
North team
- Address:
Parkview Centre for Health and Wellbeing
56 Bloemfontein Road
White City
W12 7FG - Phone: 020 8102 6009
- Email: clcht.snteamnorth@nhs.net
Central team
- Address:
Hammersmith Bridge Road Surgery
1 Hammersmith Bridge Road
W6 9DU - Phone: 020 8102 3856
- Email: clcht.sncentralteam@nhs.net
South team
- Address:
Parsons Green Health Centre
5-7 Parsons Green
SW6 4UL - Phone: 020 8102 4005
- Email: clcht.snparsonsgreen@nhs.net
Hammersmith and Fulham school nursing referral form
To refer to the H&F school nursing team please complete our referral form.
Contacting the Merton team
Steersmead Children Centre,
Lavender Park Steersmead,
Phone: 0330 0539 264
Email: clcht.schoolnursingmerton@nhs.net
Opening hours: Monday- Friday, 9am-5pm
Merton school nursing referral form
To refer to the Merton school nursing team please complete our referral form.
Contacting the Richmond team
Richmond School Nursing
Causeway House, 13 The Causeway, Teddington, TW11 0JR
Phone: 0330 058 1679
Opening hours: 7 days a week, 9am to 5pm
Richmond school nursing referral form
To refer to the Richmond school nursing team please complete our referral form.
Contacting the Wandsworth team
Wandsworth School Nursing
West Wing PCS Building, 160 Falcon Road, London, SW11 2LN
Phone: 0330 058 1679
Opening hours: 7 days a week, 9am to 5pm
Wandsworth school nursing referral form
To refer to the Wandsworth school nursing team please complete our referral form.
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