Our rehabilitation service offers community based physiotherapy and occupational therapy to housebound residents with a Harrow GP in a timely manner to prevent admission to hospital.
The team also has assistant practitioners (with generic nursing skills) and rehabilitation assistants who work autonomously to carry out mobility assessments – indoors and outdoors.
The team provide ongoing exercise or functional therapy post-assessment to help patients live as independently as possible.
Our speech and language therapists work out of Northwick Park Hospital, and the team also works closely with other clinicians in both health and social care and voluntary sector to develop the service to offer holistic care.
Harrow integrated care provides services to Harrow CCG and is split into three locality teams.
Who can refer?
GPs, secondary care services and hospitals can refer to this service.
How to refer
- Phone (option 2): Harrow Single Point of Access (SPA) - 0300 555 8889
- Email: clcht.STRharrow@nhs.net
- Fax: 0300 008 3196
- Registered with a Harrow GP and either living within the London Borough of Harrow or within one mile outside of the borough boundary
- Entitled to NHS care
- Living in Harrow but not registered with any GP
- Suitable for care in the community, i.e. do not require emergency medical treatment to be undertaken in an acute setting.