Improving quality

To ensure that the services we deliver not only meet the needs of those we support, but are of the highest standards, we must continually measure, challenge and improve the quality of what we deliver.

It is important that we are accountable to the patients and communities that we serve, and the results of our progress against key areas for improvement are reviewed and published.

Quality Strategy 2020 - 2025

The Quality Strategy defines the Trust’s quality priorities for the Quality Account for the next five years. The Quality Account will mirror each element of the Quality Strategy objectives. 

Quality accounts

A Quality Account is an annual report that providers of NHS healthcare services must publish to inform the public of the quality of the services they provide.

Complaints reports

A complaints report is an annual report that provides an overview of the formal and informal complaints received over a year and demonstrates the Trust's compliance with the Trust Complaints Policy.

The annual complaints report is an appendix to our Quality Account reports.