Barnet Diabetes team helps patients take control with confidence

Published: 12th June 2024

Since September 2023, the Barnet Diabetes Service has empowered over 200 patients take control of their condition with the recently launched DESMOND (Diabetes Education and Self-Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed) programme, alongside other clinics offered to communities with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes can develop because of insufficient production of insulin, causing high blood sugar, but the condition can be managed by lifestyle and diet programmes led by the service. The Diabetes Service is made up of a multidisciplinary team of diabetes nurses, dieticians, diabetes consultants and pharmacists, offering a holistic care package for each patient, including foot protection clinics. The team has empowered our communities to take control of their condition so that it doesn’t worsen, and they can continue to lead an independent lifestyle.

Stephen, a patient who attended the DESMOND programme in Barnet said:  

“It was inspirational, I found it extremely comprehensive. Also, there were other patients there so we could connect and share each other’s experiences.

“My message for anyone coming to one of these sessions is very simple. It’s a no brainer. If you listen and take notice of what you are told in an extremely nice, easy to understand manner, they will help you to face the future with confidence and the ability to make your life a lot better.

Anita Parobiec, Clinical Lead for the Barnet Diabetes Service, said:

“Our team of expert dieticians, consultants, pharmacists, and nurses help to reduce risk of short and long-term complications by providing patients with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to self-manage their diabetes effectively. I’m very proud of what we have been able to deliver to our communities.”

The service accepts referral from GPs, hospitals and other health professionals. If referred to the service patients can find more information on the website, and hear from some of the team in the video below. 

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