Have your say on the future of palliative care services
We take a holistic, compassionate approach to improving quality of life for our patients and those close to them.
At Pembridge we provide holistic palliative care for people who have been diagnosed with a life-limiting illness. This means we consider the physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of our patients and the people close to them.
- Healthcare Assistants
- Doctors
- Nurses
- Spiritual Care Advisor
- Occupational Therapists
- Pharmacist
- Social Workers
- Complementary Therapists
Our strong multi-disciplinary team work together to coordinate care at the hospice and at home, depending on individual needs.
Each month the Pembridge palliative care service, provided by Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust, provides holistic care for people who have been diagnosed with a life-limiting illness.
This is delivered via its three main services; the Pembridge community palliative care team ( who see patients in their own homes), the Pembridge day hospice ( which offers treatment, support and complementary therapies for those who are well enough to visit) and the Pembridge bereavement counselling service.
The service is also complemented by a 24 hour advice line run by a nurse and specialist consultant offering end of life care advice for families, patients and other health care professionals. The In-patient unit was suspended in October 2018 due to the unavailability of a lead consultant.
CLCH is currently working with its NHS partners to ensure that the services at Pembridge meet the needs of the local population.
Pembridge Hospice
St Charles Centre for Health and Wellbeing
- Address: Exmoor Street, London, W10 6DZ
- Get directions to Pembridge
- Pembridge Telephone: 020 8102 5000
- Email: clcht.pembridgeunit@nhs.net
Patients are referred to Pembridge Hospice by health or social care professionals. We accept referrals for patients with GPs based in the following CCG areas: Brent, Central London, Hammersmith and Fulham & West London.
Health and social care professionals must use the RM partners form to refer a patient
Referrals will be processed via the CLCH Single Point of Access Service (SPA) during working hours of Monday to Friday, 9am – 4:30pm. Any referrals sent outside of this time period will be processed on the next working day.
For ALL urgent referrals, both in and out of working hours, please also call Pembridge (as per current process) on the 24 hour number: 020 8102 5000 so the referral can be dealt with promptly.
The new referral process is for following services:
- Palliative Community,
- Pembridge Palliative Bereavement, Social Work and pastoral services,
- Pembridge Bedded Hospice
- Pembridge Day Hospice
Referrals should be emailed to clcht.spa.referral@nhs.net or E-faxed on: 0300 008 3251
With your help, our caring staff can relieve pain, anxiety and loneliness for people with a life-limiting illness.
By donating, volunteering or fundraising for the hospice, you are helping our patients to live their life to the fullest.
There are three main teams at Pembridge who all work together:
Inpatient Unit
13 beds with a team providing 24-hour care for patients with specialist palliative care needs who require continual assessment.
We provide holistic symptom control, rehabilitation after treatment, respite care and end of life care. Our visitors often tell us that Pembridge feels like a ‘home away from home’ during their stay.
Read the inpatient unit leaflet to learn more
Day Hospice
We provide treatment, support and complementary therapies for patients who are able to visit from home.
The day hospice is open four days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) and can accommodate up to 15 patients a day.
Read the day hospice leaflet to learn more
Community Specialist Palliative Care Team
Clinical nurse specialists provide advice and support for people in their own homes. The team focus on quality of life and what it means for each person.
They see people at different stages of their illness. From those who have been recently diagnosed to those who are nearing the end of life.
Have a look around Pembridge
Contact the hospice
Pembridge Hospice,
St Charles Centre for Health and Wellbeing,
Exmoor Street,
London, W10 6DZ
Pembridge Tel:
020 8102 5000
Email: clcht.pembridgeunit@nhs.net
Contact the hospice charity
Visit the charity website at www.pembridgehospice.org or call the charity team on 020 8102 5407.
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