Specialist Palliative Care (Hertfordshire)

We offer palliative care to people over 18 who have a life-limiting illness and require expertise.

Palliative Care

We offer palliative care to people over 18 who have a life-limiting illness and require specialist intervention and expertise. It is particularly important for people who require end of life care or have an advanced disease. The aim is not to cure but to relieve suffering relating to physical, psychological, spiritual and pain management issues, improving the quality of life of the person who is ill and supporting the people caring for them.

We see patients registered with a GP in SW Herts (Watford or Hertsmere) who have been referred by healthcare professionals involved in their care. Our clinical nurse specialists are available for home or residential / nursing home visits 7 days a week, 9am - 5pm.

Specialist Palliative Care Service can be contacted on 020 8102 6236. Lines are open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Voicemail is available.

On weekends and bank holidays, call 03000 200 656, option 1, then option 1. Ask for the palliative care nurse.

Out of hours advice line, please call 01923 335 356. Alternatively, please email the admin team on clcht.admin.palliativecare@nhs.net  and messages will be passed to the clinical team.

We work closely with other professionals and can refer to other services, such as:

  • Community nurses
  • Rapid Personalised Care Service – a service provided by Peace Hospice Care who offer personalised package of care for up to 12 weeks during a patient’s final weeks
  • Day Hospice Services – for treatment, support and counselling and complementary therapies for patients who are able to visit from home.
  • Inpatient Unit – for symptom control, rehabilitation after treatment, respite care and end of life care.

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