Infant feeding in Brent

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Welcome to Brent infant feeding support service

We offer breastfeeding and infant feeding support in Brent. Our clinics are running across Brent on a weekly basis, with a mixture of drop-in clinics and one-to-one appointment.

Our Health Visitors and Breastfeeding Peer Support Workers are trained under the UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative, to provide you with the most up-to-date knowledge and evidence-based advice to help support you with your breastfeeding journey. This includes building close and loving relationships, responsive breastfeeding, safe bottle feeding and introduction of solid foods.

We also support parents who are formula-feeding their babies by providing information on choosing milks, and making up feeds and helping them to feed safely and responsively.

We are currently also running a specialist clinic which is ran by a lactation consultant once a week, who specialises in complex feeding concerns.

Please see details below of our current drop in clinics and our contact details to book in for a one-to-one appointment.

We look forward to seeing you!

Our breastfeeding support service is available for all families that live in Brent.

We provide support and information to families following the birth of your baby.

You are very welcome to contact us via to book in for one-to-one breastfeeding support tailored to your needs. You are also welcome to drop-in to any of our drop-in clinics, see timetable below for details of our drop in centres.

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1) Please speak to your health visitor or health care professional if you are struggling to feed your baby.

2) Please self-refer into our team email which is checked daily (Monday- Fridays) All weekend emails will be picked up on Monday. We are happy to book you in and support you with your concerns or queries.

3) Follow us on Instagram @infantfeedingsupportbrent

3) You can call our single point access (SPA) service number on 0208 102 4900 

4) Health care professionals can email for our referral forms.

·       Call single point access – health visitor admin hub: 0208 102 4900 

·       Speak to your health care provider. Or self-refer via email to book:

·       Our lactation consultant clinic is by appointment only and runs on Tuesday, contact our team via the contact details above for further assessment.

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Click link to Brent Family Wellbeing Centre website - Family Wellbeing Centres | Brent Council

Family Wellbeing Centres support your family from the moment you know you’re expecting, through pregnancy and birth, until your child is 18 years old (or up to 25 for young people with additional needs). Family Wellbeing Centres work with voluntary, community sector providers, health and council teams to bring your family a wide range of services and activities.

Centres are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, and some evenings and weekends.

 Services on offer include: 0-5 year olds

  • Midwifery services that include antenatal and postnatal care
  • Health reviews, baby clinics in Targeted stay and play sessions for speech and language support
  • Childminder stay and play for childminders and minded children
  • Many other activities that can support you in supporting your child’s development in their earliest years


Breastfeeding out and about & returning to work and breastfeeding 

You’re not alone if you have questions about breastfeeding in public. Here we explain how to do it comfortably and confidently and what your rights are. 

Know your rights. You should not ever be made to feel uncomfortable about breastfeeding in public. It is illegal for anyone to ask a breastfeeding woman to leave a public place, such as a cafe, shop, or public transport. 

Please see the following resources for more guidance on breastfeeding in public and out and about.  

Breastfeeding friendly places in Brent- All family wellbeing centres and local libraries and healthcare centres are welcoming breastfeeding.  

 Going back to study or work may be the first time you have been separated from your baby for long periods. Continuing to breastfeed helps to keep the close relationship you’ve built up, providing your baby with extra comfort and security for as long as you both want.

You don’t need to stop breastfeeding just because you’re returning to study or work. Many women find ways to continue breastfeeding their baby – and employers have certain obligations towards breastfeeding women.

Our brenthealth4life team currently offer face to face introduction to Solids sessions across Brent. Introducing solids to your baby is a new experience for yourself and baby.

Come along to the introduction to solids sessions in Brent to learn how to introduce solids to your baby safely and create an amazing, healthy experience for yourself and your baby. Contact brent4life team at

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Here are some helpful resources to support you and your baby with introduction to solid foods.

Safer sleep for babies resources:

You can download the Basis app where you can find further information on safe sleeping practices for you and your baby.

You can also download The Baby Check app by The Lullaby Trust which features 19 simple checks that parents can do if their baby is showing signs of illness and further information regarding safer sleeping practices.

CLCH have produced a video about normal sleep and how to promote sleep in the antenatal period as well as the postnatal period, up to the first six months.

Health visitor will see you at home within 30 days of returning home, all breastfeeding support is currently based in local family wellbeing centres. Please contact our service with the information provided above if you would need a home visit.

There are Well Baby Clinics and Breastfeeding Support Groups local to you and running throughout the week.

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