Richmond - Cost of living

Read more about this page below

If you're on a low income you may be able to get help with paying your rent and Council Tax.

Certain people are eligible for discounts on their Council Tax, such as people who live alone, people with disabilities, carers and students. Make sure you check if you could be eligible.


Energy rebate

To help with the rising cost of energy bills, the government announced that eligible households will receive a one-off £150 energy rebate payment which won't have to be repaid. The deadline for applications was 11 September 2022.

We have also designed a discretionary energy rebate, which extends this payment to thousands more households. Applications must be received by Tuesday 15 November 2022.


Energy Bills Support Scheme

The government's Energy Bills Support Scheme provides a £400 non-repayable discount to eligible households to help with their energy bills over winter 2022 to 2023.

All households with a domestic electricity connection in England, Scotland and Wales are eligible for the discount. You do not need to apply for the discount, and there is no need to contact your energy supplier. The discount will be applied to your monthly household electricity bill for six months starting in October 2022.

Prepayment meter users will get equivalent vouchers to redeem, which are valid for 90 days. Your supplier should have your contact details, but if you’re not sure or you don't receive any information from them, you should check that they have your latest number and email.

If you get vouchers, you will need to redeem them at a top-up point. Your supplier will tell you where to redeem them, for example at a Post Office branch or a PayPoint shop. Make sure you redeem them as soon as possible, and within the 90 day limit.​

Find out more about the Energy Bills Support Scheme (GOV.UK).


Fuel grants

Richmond residents can apply to get up to £170 towards their annual energy bill through our Fuel Grant Scheme. This scheme is open to anyone on a low income, including pensioners.

The 2022 scheme is now closed. The 2023 scheme will be launched towards the end of this year.

Fuel Support Scheme for pensioners

A £100 one-off payment to pensioners in receipt of Council Tax reduction, you do not need to apply for the Fuel Support Scheme for pensioners. Payments will be made direct to your bank, or you will be supplied with a voucher.


Winter Fuel Payments

In the winter months pensioners can get between £100 and £300 to help pay heating bills. This winter, they can also receive an extra one-off £300 Pensioner Cost of Living Payment, which will be paid as an automatic top-up to the Winter Fuel Payment.

Find out more about the Winter Fuel Payment (GOV.UK).


Warm Home Discount Scheme

You could get £150 off your electricity bill for winter. The money is not paid to you - it's a one-off discount on your electricity bill, between October 2022 and March 2023.

You may be able to get the discount on your gas bill instead if your supplier provides you with both gas and electricity. Contact your supplier to find out.

The discount will not affect your Cold Weather Payment or Winter Fuel Payment.

The 2021/22 scheme is now closed. The 2022/23 scheme is expected to open in November 2022.

Find out more about the Warm Home Discount Scheme (GOV.UK).


Cold Weather Payment

If you’re getting certain benefits or Support for Mortgage Interest, you may be able to get a Cold Weather Payment if the average temperature in your area is recorded as, or forecast to be, 0OC or below over seven consecutive days. Next year's scheme will start on 1 November 2022. Cold Weather Payments are different to Winter Fuel Payments.

Find out more about the Cold Weather Payment (GOV.UK).


Household Support Fund

Richmond AID and Citizens Advice Richmond have received Household Support Funding to distribute to low-income households who are struggling (July to September 2022) and need help and support accessing food, energy bills or other household essentials. This includes working households on a low income.


This support can be in the form of:

Payments and vouchers for individuals and families towards the cost of food, energy costs and essential items

Access to the wider advice service provided by Richmond AID and Citizens Advice Richmond to help residents maximise their household income and manage their situation, for example support around benefits or debt advice

Citizens Advice Richmond

Find out more about Citizens Advice Richmond.

Telephone: 080 8278 7873 (Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm)

Online: Submit a grant enquiry

Richmond AID

Find out more about Richmond AID.


Telephone: 020 8831 6070 (Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm)


Local Assistance Scheme

For residents who receive welfare benefits, are subject to serious hardship and have nowhere else to turn, the Local Assistance Scheme can help with the purchase of essential household items (for example white goods) and food and baby essentials in a crisis.


Telephone: 020 8891 1411


Hampton Fund

If you are on a low wage, get state benefits or live on a pension you can get help with paying your gas and electricity bills and for urgent essential household items. You must live in the Hampton Fund area of benefit: Hampton, Hampton Hill, Hampton Wick, Teddington, Twickenham and Whitton. Apply online via the Hampton Fund website.


Website: Hampton Fund

Telephone: 020 8941 7866 (10am to 4pm, Monday to Thursday)


The Barnes Fund

Support with utility bills, such as gas, water or electricity. You must be in the Barnes Fund catchment area and must have a referral from an agency, for example Richmond AID.


Website: The Barnes Fund

Richmond Parish Lands Charity

Richmond Parish Lands Charity provide grants to residents in TW9, TW10, SW13 and SW14.


Referrals to their crisis grants must be made through a referral partner. Please contact one of these in the first instance:


Citizens Advice Richmond - by freephone: 080 82 78 78 73 (Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm)

Richmond AID (for people with long term health conditions, disabilities, and carers) - via email to or call 020 8831 6070

AgeUK Richmond - 020 8878 3625 or via email to

Achieving for Children - Use the website contact form

Other referral partners (who will need to complete an online application form) include: schools in RPLC's catchment area, Crosslight Advice, Vineyard Community, Look Ahead, Community Mental Health teams, Richmond support teams and social services.


Website: Richmond Parish Lands Charity

Telephone: 020 8948 5701

Thames Water

Thames Water has designed WaterSure and WaterHelp schemes to reduce the cost to households in need of extra support. This includes low-income households, households with large families and those who have a water-dependent medical condition.


Energy supplier grants

If you are in debt to your energy supplier, you might be able to get a grant to help pay it off.

The following energy suppliers offer grants to their customers:

  • British Gas Energy Support Fund
  • Scottish Power Hardship Fund
  • Ovo Energy Fund
  • E.ON Energy Fund
  • ON Next Energy Fund
  • EDF Energy Customer Support Fund
  • Bulb Energy Fund
  • Octopus 'Octo Assist Fund'
  • TV Licence
  • TV licenses are free if you're aged 74 or over and you or your partner are in receipt of Pension Credit. Find out more about free TV Licensing.

Social tariffs are cheaper broadband and phone packages for people claiming Universal Credit, Pension Credit and some other benefits. Some providers call them 'essential' or 'basic' broadband.

They are delivered in the same way as normal packages, just at a lower price.

Find out more about cheaper broadband and phone packages.

Priority Services Register

All large gas and electricity companies, as well the gas and electricity grids, offer a range of free services to their most vulnerable customers including residents of a pensionable age and those with additional health needs.

Joining the Priority Service Register entitles you to the following free services:

A gas appliance and installation safety check (if everyone in the home is eligible)

  • Quarterly meter readings
  •  Help in moving a meter if it is in an inconvenient position
  •  A personal password system for gas and electricity staff to use every time they call at the person’s home, to confirm they are genuine
  • Help if they have difficulty in using certain appliances
  • Bills sent to a friend or family member on their behalf
  • Bills supplied in different formats, such as large print or Braille, by cassette or in a different language

Some energy companies offer extra services to residents. Most energy companies require you to be on their priority service register before offering reduced bills for vulnerable customers, otherwise known as a 'social tariff'.

Income support available in the borough.


It’s important to make sure you get all the help you are entitled to. You may be able to claim benefits and tax credits if you are working or unemployed, sick or disabled, a parent, a young person, an older person or a veteran.


Website: Citizens Advice - Benefits

Online benefits calculator

Telephone: 0808 278 7873

Universal Credit

Universal credit is a single payment benefit, which replaces a number of previous benefits. It is designed to help people on low-incomes or out of work with their living costs.


Website: Universal Credit (GOV.UK)

Telephone: 0800 328 5644

For help, you can visit Twickenham Job Centre Plus

Cost of Living Payments

If you receive benefits or tax credits you could be eligible for additional payments from the government.

Find out more about Cost of Living Payments (GOV.UK).


Pension Credit

Pension Credit gives you extra money to help with your living costs if you’re over State Pension age and on a low income. Pension Credit can also help with housing costs such as ground rent or service charges. You might get extra help if you’re a carer, severely disabled, or responsible for a child or young person.

Pension Credit is separate from your State Pension. You can get Pension Credit even if you have other income, savings or own your own home.

Find out more about Pension Credit (GOV.UK).


Household Support Fund

Richmond AID and Citizens Advice Richmond have received Household Support Funding to distribute to low-income households who are struggling (July to September 2022) and need help and support accessing food, energy bills or other household essentials. This includes working households on a low income.


This support can be in the form of:

Payments and vouchers for individuals and families towards the cost of food, energy costs and essential items

Access to the wider advice service provided by Richmond AID and Citizens Advice Richmond to help residents maximise their household income and manage their situation, for example support around benefits or debt advice

Citizens Advice Richmond

Find out more about Citizens Advice Richmond.


Telephone: 080 8278 7873 (Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm)

Online: Submit a grant enquiry

Richmond AID

Find out more about Richmond AID.


Telephone: 020 8831 6070 (Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm)


Support and advice

Organisations in the borough that can provide income advice.


Citizens Advice Richmond

Citizens Advice Richmond provide specialist advice on a range of issues such as claiming benefits, employment issues, housing, immigration, debt, tax, advice for EU citizens etc. They offer hardship grants on behalf of other local funders and food vouchers.

Website: Citizens Advice Richmond

Online benefits calculator

Telephone: 0808 278 7873

Age UK Richmond

Age UK Richmond provide specialist welfare benefits and financial support service for older people; advising them on the types of benefits and grants available to them, support to fill out the applications and making applications on their behalf if necessary. Follow through to award to ensure best chance of success. Home visits offered, if needed.


Website: Age UK Richmond

Telephone: 020 8878 3625


RUILS provide support for adults and children with disabilities. They provide information, advice and advocacy across all aspects affecting disabled people, for example care and support at home, activities in the community and housing.


Website: RUILS

Telephone: 020 8831 6083

Richmond AID

Richmond AID provide support for disabled people, people with long term health conditions and carers. They can provide advice and support on issues including housing, social care, mobility, transport, education and training. They can also provide support on benefits and form filling, general money advice, including debt.


Opening times: Open for appointments only from 9 to 11am and 4 to 5pm Monday to Thursday, and 9am to 5pm Friday

Website: Richmond AID

Advice line: 020 8831 6070

Crosslight Advice

Crosslight Advice can provide specialist, holistic advice for those struggling with debt or money issues.


Website: Crosslight Advice

Telephone: 020 7052 0318

South West London Law Centres

South West London Law Centres (SWLLC) provides free and independent legal advice on social welfare issues, including housing, debt and benefits. This includes help with tribunal appeals.


Website: South West London Law Centres

Telephone: 0208 767 2777

Useful money tools

View other useful online tools:


Free benefit calculator (entitledto)

Free Money Health Check (MoneyHelper)

Free Debt advice (MoneyHelper)

Free Grant search (Turn2us)

Local organisations which can provide support and advice on the cost of living.


Citizens Advice Richmond

Citizens Advice Richmond provide specialist advice on a range of issues such as claiming benefits, employment issues, housing, immigration, debt, tax, advice for EU citizens etc. They offer hardship grants on behalf of other local funders and food vouchers.


Website: Citizens Advice Richmond

Online benefits calculator

Telephone: 0808 278 7873

Richmond AID

Richmond AID provide support for disabled people, people with long term health conditions and carers. They can provide advice and support on issues including housing, social care, mobility, transport, education and training. They can also provide support on benefits and form filling, general money advice, including debt.


Opening times: Open for appointments only from 9 to 11am and 4 to 5pm Monday to Thursday, and 9am to 5pm Friday

Website: Richmond AID

Advice line: 020 8831 6070


RUILS provide support for adults and children with disabilities. They provide information, advice and advocacy across all aspects affecting disabled people, for example care and support at home, activities in the community and housing.


Website: RUILS

Telephone: 020 8831 6083

Age UK Richmond

Age UK Richmond provide specialist welfare benefits and financial support service for older people; advising them on the types of benefits and grants available to them, support to fill out the applications and making applications on their behalf if necessary. Follow through to award to ensure best chance of success. Home visits offered, if needed.


Website: Age UK Richmond

Telephone: 020 8878 3625

Step Change

Step Change is a national debt charity offering comprehensive non-judgemental debt advice helping people who have debt problems take back control of their finances. Whatever the situation, they look for practical solutions that help to improve it.


Helpline: 0800138 1111 (open Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm, Saturday 8am to 4pm)

Website: Step Change

Thinking Works

Manages the Winter Warmth service for Richmond borough providing home visits and telephone advice.


Website: Thinking Works

Telephone: 0800 118 23 27

Text: 07928 394 482


Crosslight Advice

Crosslight Advice can provide specialist, holistic advice for those struggling with debt or money issues.


Website: Crosslight Advice

Telephone: 020 7052 0318

South West London Law Centres

South West London Law Centres offer free and independent legal advice on social welfare issues including housing, debt, immigration and employment.


Website: South West London Law Centres

Telephone: 0208 767 2777

​Richmond Furniture Scheme

Richmond Furniture Scheme is a local furniture recycling charity service Richmond and Twickenham. They provide good quality, value for money second-hand and refurbished furniture, discounted for those receiving benefits.

Our libraries can also provide the following support:

Working or studying at your local library can reduce your electric, gas and water usage as well as commuting costs

Libraries across the borough are open to 7pm on certain days, three libraries (East Sheen, Richmond Lending and Teddington) are open seven days a week

Borrowing books, rather than buying your own, can be more cost effective

Our libraries also offer free online access to e-books, e-audio, newspapers and magazines and you don’t need a subscription to access them

Whitton, Ham and Hampton Hill Libraries are air conditioned making them ideal locations when the weather warms and home working becomes uncomfortable.

Listed on London's Cool Spaces website

All libraries serve as 'heatbanks' in colder weather and are free to access all day long. Many have toilet facilities

Libraries offer fast reliable Wi-Fi, device charging, desk space and comfortable seating, access to personal computers and printing facilities (printing fees apply). We do ask that you bring personal headphones if you are planning on joining online meetings.

The Information and Reference library in Richmond offers our quietest study and workspaces. However, all libraries have quieter periods, so enquire with your local branch if you are looking to avoid busy times such as Storytime sessions which

Richmond Food Bank

Richmond Food Bank has four food distribution points in and near the borough and can provide three days' nutritionally balanced emergency food for people. This service is provided by the Trussell Trust, a nationwide network helping to combat poverty and food hunger across the UK. You need a food voucher to get provisions from the food bank. To obtain a voucher, view a list of referrers.

Locations and opening times:

Castelnau Community Centre, Barnes, SW13 9AQ (Fridays 9.15 to 11.15am)

YMCA White House, Hampton, TW12 3RN (Tuesdays 9.30am to 4pm)

The Vineyard, Richmond, TW10 6AQ (Mondays and Thursdays 12.30 to 4pm)

Whitton Community Centre, TW2 6JL (Fridays 9.30am to 12.30pm)


Telephone: 020 8940 0274


Free school meals

Your child may be able to get free school meals if you get any of the following:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
  •  Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit

Telephone: 020 8547 5448 (Achieving for Children)


Reduce your food costs

Food waste costs the average London household £60 a month, so reducing your food waste is good for your pocket, not just the environment. And as most food waste is avoidable, most households can do this easily!

Find out more about how to reduce food waste.

Retail discounts and offers

Supermarkets including ASDA, Sainsbury's and Morrisons are offering discounts and offers.


Find out more via Help for Households.


Food for Thought Heathfield

Food for Thought Heathfield offer surplus food from local retailers at a pop-up market stall on Heathfield Recreation Ground. Open to anyone and you can donate if you are able. Speak to a member of the team if you require additional support with ready-made meals or toiletries/hygiene products.

Opening times: Thursday from 2.30 to 4.30pm and Saturday 11.30am to 1.30pm

Location: Outside the Pavilion on Heathfield Recreation Ground, Powdermill Lane, TW2 6EG


Facebook page:​​


The Real Junk Food Project

The Real Junk Food Project are a pay-as-you-feel surplus café focused on sustainability, community, and tackling food waste.

Locations and opening times:

ETNA Community Centre, East Twickenham (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 11.30am to 1.30pm)

Noble Green Wines, Hampton Hill (Tuesdays 11am to 12 noon)

Linden Hall, Hampton (Thursdays 11.30am to 1.30pm)


Family and childcare support available in the borough.


Funding for under five childcare support

There are various forms of financial help available to help families meet their childcare and other costs. This includes free childcare. Visit Achieving for Children to find out more.

Telephone: 020 8547 5215




Child Benefit

You get Child Benefit if you’re responsible for bringing up a child who is under 16 or under 20 (if they stay in approved education or training). Only one person can get Child Benefit for a child. It’s paid every 4 weeks and there’s no limit to how many children you can claim for. You may have to pay back some of your Child Benefit in tax if your (or your partner’s) individual income is over £50,000.

Find out more


Universal Credit childcare costs

If you pay for childcare while you go to work, Universal Credit can pay some of your childcare costs. This includes holiday clubs, after-school clubs and breakfast clubs.

Find out more about


Sure Start Maternity Grant

If you receive certain benefits and expecting your first child, you could also be eligible for a one-off payment of £500 to help towards the costs of having a child.

Find out more


Healthy Start vouchers

If you are at least 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under four years old, and you or your family already receive income support or Universal Credit, you could be eligible for Healthy Start vouchers.


Telephone: 0345 607 6823 (NHS)


Local Assistance Scheme

For those residents in receipt of welfare benefits, there are crisis grants available to help in an emergency for household items, food and baby essentials. Find out more about the Local Assistance Scheme.

Learn more:

Find out more about food support.



Skylarks is a local charity that provides support and advice for families who have children with any additional needs or disabilities. They are a registered referrer for the BBC Children in Need Emergency Essentials Scheme, which provides grants for essential items and equipment.



The Extra Mile

Supporting families in Hampton and beyond, to provide essentials for children who are in need. If you are in need of support, please contact a professional, tell them about The Extra Mile and ask them to refer you.



City and Diocese Voluntary Schools Fund

The London Diocesan Board's City and Diocese Voluntary Schools Fund provides grants to schools and individuals to support pupils in need of financial help. Priority is given to applications to support the cost for individuals of school journeys, day trips and music tuition. There are eight Church of England Schools in Richmond. There are eight schools covered by this fund:

  • St John The Baptist Church of England Junior School (7 to 11 years)
  • St Mary's and St Peter’s CE Primary School (4 to 11 years)
  • Archdeacon Cambridge's CE Primary School (3 to 11 years)
  • St Mary's CE Primary School (infant – 3 sites) (4 to 11 years)
  • St Mary's Church of England Primary School (junior site) (4 to 11 years)
  • St Stephen’s CE Primary School (7 to 11 years)
  • Bishop Perrin CE Primary School (4 to 11 years)
  • St Mary's Hampton CE Primary School (4 to 11 years)

Applications are accepted from schools and individuals. The next deadline for school journeys happening in spring 2023 is 31 October 2022.


Home-Start Richmond, Kingston and Hounslow

Home-Start is a local charity providing compassionate, confidential support to struggling families with at least one child under the age of five years and mothers-to-be in their third trimester.

They can help families access other services including referral to BBC Children in Need Emergency Essentials Scheme, food bank vouchers, Little Village and the Extra Mile, plus signposting to debt, personal finance and benefits advice.



Support available in the borough for health and care costs.

Adult Social Care

Adult Social Care can help people who are elderly or have disabilities. They can also help you connect with local neighbourhood groups, and services such as libraries and health services.

They can also help you if you look after someone else.

Telephone: 020 8891 7971


Richmond Carers Centre

Richmond Carers Centre provides free and confidential information, advice and emotional support to unpaid carers living in or caring for someone in Richmond upon Thames.


Telephone: 020 8867 2380


Neighbourhood Care Groups

There are eight Neighbourhood Care Groups across Richmond upon Thames who can help with everything from transport for medical appointments, prescription collections and shopping trips, to befriending and companionship.


Caring for children with special educational needs and disabilities

If you are child has special needs, there is support available from our local SEND provision. Support is available for education, care, transport and finances.

Find out more via Achieving for Children.


Prescription and other NHS support

If you struggle to pay for your prescriptions, you might be eligible for free NHS prescriptions.

Alternatively, if you have to pay for a lot of prescriptions, it may be cheaper to buy a prescription prepayment certificate.

Employment support available in the borough.

Work Match

Our Work Match employment service offers support, advice, guidance and training to help residents access new and existing jobs in Richmond upon Thames. We can match you with local employers who value local people and can offer a wide range of jobs in different sectors.

Website: Richmond Work Match

Telephone: 020 8871 5191



Jobcentre Plus

Jobcentre Plus provides resources to enable job-searchers to find work, through Jobpoints (touch-screen computer terminals), Jobseeker Direct (telephone service) and the Jobcentre Plus website.

They offer information about training opportunities for the chronically unemployed. They also administer claims for benefits such as Income Support, Incapacity Benefit, and Jobseeker's Allowance (currently being phased out in favour of Universal Credit).

Website: Jobcentre Plus (GOV.UK)

Telephone: 0800 169 0190


National Careers Service

Offering free telephone and face to face consultations supporting people who are either looking for work (unemployed) or employed but looking to change career and/or upskill by providing careers advise, building CVs, preparation for interview, referring to training and finding jobs.

Website: National Careers Service (GOV.UK)


Better Working Futures

Better Working Futures gives people who face additional barriers to finding work the best support available.

It is part of a wider package of support for jobseekers and people with disabilities and health conditions announced by the government and aims to bring jobseekers, support provision and employers together to provide greater opportunities for those looking for work.


Choice Support Richmond and Wandsworth

Choice Support Richmond and Wandsworth supports residents 18+ with disabilities to find work, including people with learning difficulties, those affected by mental ill health, sensory impairment, physical disability and autism. They provide pre-employment support and support when you get a job.

Website: Choice Support

Telephone: 0203 697 7134



Constructing South London

Constructing South London is a collaboration between the mayor’s construction academy and the South London Partnership to connect people to jobs, training and skills in the construction industry. Its activities and the support available include Richmond.

Website: Constructing South London


Transform Work Life

Transform Work Life is a new series of seminars delivered by Richmond Libraries aimed at developing knowledge of your personal and professional skills. Over six in-person interactive seminars participants will learn skills and sell knowledge that will enhance employability, and encourage potential transformation in your work and life situation. The course is free to Richmond residents and applicable wherever you are on your employment journey, be that your first job, or looking to make a career change.

Website: Transform Work Life


Room for Work

Room for Work is a local charity that specialises in helping mature job seekers 40+ with previous work experience ranging from administrative to professional and managerial roles. Their free 12-week course supports learners to understand current job searching methods, write an effective CV, practice competency-based interviews, develop their speaking skills and much more. Interested participants can register for the next course at Room for Work.

Rent and Council Tax

If you're on a low income you may be able to get help with paying your rent and Council Tax.


Housing grants and funding

There are a number of grants available for those on benefits and older people looking to increase the energy efficiency of their home. There is also funding for people with disabilities who need help with essential works to support independent living.

Find out more about housing grants and funding


Support for Mortgage Interest

If you are a homeowner, you might be able to get help towards interest payments on your mortgage or loans you've taken out for certain repairs and improvements to your home. It's paid as a loan, which you’ll need to repay with interest when you sell or transfer ownership of your home.

Find out more about Support for Mortgage Interest



If you are a social housing tenant in a property with more bedrooms than you need, or you are struggling to heat and maintain your home, it could be beneficial to downsize. With the Sponsored Moves scheme, you can get a payment of £2500 for each bedroom you give up by moving to a smaller property, and have your removal costs paid for.

Find out more about downsizing:



South West London Energy Advice Partnership

SWLEAP provides energy advice across Richmond, Wandsworth and Merton to anyone in fuel poverty. This could be an energy visit to your home but we also provide advice at energy cafes in community settings, over the telephone or by email if you prefer.


Telephone: 08000862706



South West London Law Centres

South West London Law Centres (SWLLC) provides free and independent legal advice on social welfare issues, including housing, debt and benefits. This includes help with tribunal appeals.


Telephone: 0208 767 2777


Thinking Works

Thinking Works manages the Winter Warmth service for Richmond borough, providing home visits and telephone advice.


Telephone: 0800 118 23 27

Text: 07928 394 482



Warmer Homes

The Mayor of London's Warmer Homes programme provides free heating, insulation and ventilation improvements for low-income Londoners who own their own homes or rent privately. Grants of between £5,000 and £25,000 are available to eligible low income homeowners and private tenants.


Green Homes Grant

The Green Homes Grant is a scheme for homeowners and landlords to support the installation of energy efficient and low-carbon heating improvements to their homes. This could help save up to £600 a year on energy bills. This is for households with an annual income of less than £30,000.

Find out more about how to reduce your energy usage and bills


Private renting

It is important your rental property is safe to live in and is in a condition that doesn’t add to your living costs. We can help if you have a complaint you are struggling to resolve with your landlord.

Find out more about private renting


Low cost home ownership

There are a limited number of schemes available for people who cannot afford to buy a property on the open market. You buy a share of a property and pay rent on the remainder, gradually buying further shares so that eventually you could own the property outright.

Find out more about low cost home ownership

Accessibility tools