Young Carers Action Day 2024

Published: 11th March 2024

This Young Carers Action Day, CLCH are inviting young carers to get involved with the Trust, whether that is making a difference for patients and carers who use our services, listening to carers feedback or supporting the development of future healthcare careers.

Carer Support

We have a bank of resources and signposting to advice and support which is local to our patients and carers. This tool is for anyone who has caring duties or might know somebody caring for a loved one who could benefit from more support e.g., understanding their rights, respite, financial, clinical or social.

Our goal is to empower unpaid carers to be confident in taking up support and accessing more services designed to help them look after themselves as well as those they are caring for.


Volunteering is a brilliant way to make a difference in your community, meet new people and gain great skills.

We need people with talent, commitment and enthusiasm to join our team and help us deliver great patient experiences across a range of services throughout the Trust. You don’t need to have volunteered before and we’ll give you full training before you start.

Work Experience

We’re proud to offer work experience placements, providing unique opportunities for mentees to gain insight into community healthcare professions in the NHS. We want to support young people and adult learners to explore career choices in healthcare and help build the knowledge and skill sof our future NHS workforce.

We have lots of teams offering spaces within our community trust, examples include:

  • Dentistry
  • Nursing (rehabilitation wards)
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Orthoptics
  • Care Homes
  • Dietetics
  • Business Support
  • Quality Improvement

“I didn’t know what I wanted to do before this work experience but now I’ve become so sure of it, that’s how helpful it was!” -  Sara, AHP placement, Inner North West.

Patient Representatives

Patient Representatives help us listen to people who use and care about our services, understand their diverse health needs better, and focus on and respond to what matters to them.

Our Patient Representatives help us make improvements, develop new ideas and ensure patient voice is at the heart of everything we do. We need more Patient Representatives at CLCH and we want to ensure we have a diverse range of patient voices shaping our work and making a lasting impact on patient experience.

Patient stories and feedback

It is important for us to hear what you think of our services so that we know what we are doing well and where we need to make improvements. Whether you wish to pay us a compliment, raise a concern or make a formal complaint, our patient advice and liaison service (PALS) team are here to help and all feedback given will be kept confidential.

A patient story is an individual's personal account of their healthcare experience as described in their own words. At its simplest, it is a conversation with a patient or someone close to them, such as a relative or carer, which is recorded and transcribed.

Patient stories are a continuous improvement tool which help identify areas where we need to improve the quality of services and transform patient and carer experience, through listening and learning from the patient voice.

Patient stories can be positive, negative, or combine elements of both. Through patient stories we capture evidence of the quality of services, share the learning about what was good and what needs to be improved with the clinical teams, who then take forward any improvements identified together.


Accessibility tools