We’re walking in a Winter Wonderland for 2023’s Makaton musical moment
Following the annual tradition, staff from across CLCH have come together to produce another fabulous Makaton video, this year to the tune of Winter Wonderland.
Each year, a team of staff do a rendition of a Christmas song using Makaton, a language programme that uses speech, signs, and symbols to support people to communicate more effectively. It is designed to support the development of spoken language and is widely used amongst people with learning disabilities from a young age. We provide training opportunities for our nursing staff to learn Makaton to help bridge gaps in communication styles.
Principal Speech and Language Therapist Kunden Patel, said: “Another year and another Christmas Makaton Song – it is our fourth to date and it’s becoming a CLCH Christmas tradition! The planning usually starts in September, and we get a lot of interest from many services to be a part of it. We were very fortunate to once again collaborate with Pursuing Independent Paths (PIP) – a charity that runs a day service for adults with learning disabilities, empowering them to achieve their ambitions. We also had Anita - a service user known to the Barnet Learning Disability team – join us this year.
“We had a few technical issues to deal with this time, but it seems we managed to pull it off – with the excellent editing skills provided by K Isaac, Director of Operations for North Central Division.
“As you can see from the video, everyone had so much fun doing it – we hope you enjoy watching it. Have a lovely festive season!”