Seven CLCH sites achieve 'Gold Cycle Friendly Employer' Award

Published: 8th June 2023

In celebration of National Bike Week (5-11 June 2023), we’re thrilled to announce that CLCH has officially been recognised by Cycling UK as a ‘Cycle Friendly Employer’ with seven sites achieving 'Gold' status - the highest level of accreditation. The seven sites are as follows:

  • Colville Health Centre
  • Langley House
  • Lisson Grove Health Centre
  • Parsons Green Health Centre
  • Queens Park Health Centre
  • Woodfield Road Medical Centre
  • Worlds End Health Centre

The Cycling Friendly Employer accreditation is an internationally recognised benchmark for active travel culture and infrastructure in the workplace. As part of the site accreditation process, CLCH sites were rigorously audited to demonstrate a long-term commitment to promoting a cycle-friendly culture, with the required infrastructure and active travel strategies and policies in place. Six core areas of CLCH’s cycling friendliness were assessed, including communication and incentives, service and facilities.

Active travel plays a significant part in reducing traffic on the roads while also promoting health and wellbeing through exercise and improving local air quality. Nationally the NHS generates around 5% of all journeys in the UK, resulting in a travel-related carbon footprint of 3¼ million tonnes of CO2 every year.

This achievement positively contributes to the trust’s carbon reduction targets and demonstrates our commitment to sustainable travel. 

James Benson, Chief Executive said of the award: “At CLCH, we are committed to providing the infrastructure and facilities that enable our staff and visitors to travel more sustainably. This is a positive step in the right direction, and I look forward to seeing more sites achieve this fantastic accreditation. Well done to our sustainability team and members of the Cycle Network that made it possible”.



Pictured above: staff from the CLCH Cycle Network.

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