Read our 2020/21 annual review magazine, Community Matters
The 2020/21 edition of our annual review magazine, Community Matters, is now available to read online.
The magazine is packed full of stories about our services in London and Hertfordshire and how these have continued to deliver high quality patient care during this extraordinary period through the use of innovative solutions, adoption of new technology and collaboration with our health and care system partners.
We’ve also included a number of features for a more in-depth look at the many ways in which our staff were involved in the NHS response to COVID-19, including the rollout of the vaccine programme to local residents; how we are we aiming to be the best provider of high-quality community healthcare through the focus of a new Quality Strategy; the campaigns we have introduced to promote equality and tackle inequality within our services and for our patient populations; and the health and wellbeing initiatives that were rapidly put in place to support our valued staff to deliver the best care throughout this challenging time.
View the 2020/21 edition of Community Matters on our website now.