PPE packing and distribution volunteers

Published: 18th September 2020

At the start of the coronavirus pandemic, Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust (CLCH) faced an enormous challenge of delivering personal protective equipment (PPE) to staff at our all sites across the Trust. We called out for volunteers at the start of the outbreak to help us make individual personal protective equipment packs, and were overwhelmed with the offers of help we received from staff and the local community at what was a critical time. 

A short film was created to thank the army of volunteers who have made the PPE packs that have gone out to sites. Thousands of packs – nearly 300,000 – for frontline staff have been delivered to services across the Trust thanks to the hard work of our staff and volunteers.

The numbers of volunteers is now reducing and the way we manage the distribution of PPE across the Trust is changing to adapt to new ways of working.

It was simply wonderful to see so many members of  the local community and staff  prepared to go out of their way to help with the packing and distribution of much needed PPE packs for our frontline colleagues. 

Our heartfelt thanks go to each and every one for doing such an amazing job in a challenging time and for helping to ensure our staff have the appropriate equipment they need to do their jobs safely. 

Watch the short film on YouTube.