Merton services launch

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Published: 1st April 2016

We are pleased to confirm that from today (1 April 2016) CLCH is responsible for providing the majority of adults and children's community healthcare across the borough of Merton.

In many cases the existing teams have transferred and there should be only limited changes for patients at this stage. Moving forward we'll be working with Merton Clinical Commissioning Group and the London Borough of Merton to improve local services and help people stay healthy and independent.

James Benson, Divisional Director for Operations, responsible for Merton services said: "It's great to have Merton teams join us. There's been a lot of work over the last few months to prepare and the commitment from our new colleagues has been fantastic.

Our priority for the initial transfer was always to minimise disruption for patients and staff. In the months ahead we'll be continuing to recruit to new roles and starting to work with local GPs and others to create truly integrated out of hospital healthcare for the residents of Merton."

We provide a wide range of services from community health centres, schools and visiting patients in their homes. The services we are providing across Merton include:

Adults' services

  • Community nursing including night nursing
  • Rapid response services including:
    • Community Prevention of Admission Team (CPAT)
    • Holistic and Rapid Investigation Service (HARI)
    • Community Liaison In-reach Service at St George's Hospital
    • Specialist nursing, including tissue viability and end of life care
    • Rehabilitation services including:
      • Neurological rehabilitation
      • Community physiotherapy
      • Falls prevention and rehabilitation
      • Contraceptive and sexual health services

Children's services

  • School nursing
  • Health visiting
  • Specialist children's services including therapies, physiotherapy, speech and language, dietetics and children's specialist nursing

Information for GPs and other referrers in Merton is available in our health professionals section

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