Learning from mistakes

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Published: 9th March 2016

CLCH is among only eighteen providers in the country that have achieved 'Outstanding' in the latest quality initiatives launched by NHS Improvement.

'Learning from Mistakes' is the first annual data collection of its kind, with rankings based on a range of data and staff feedback that helps to identify the levels of openness and transparency in NHS provider organisations.

Louise Ashley, Chief Nurse and Director of Quality Governance, said: "This is a great achievement for the Trust and it's very encouraging to know our staff are open to learning from mistakes and feel able to speak up and raise concerns at work. We are committed to providing the best possible care to the patients we serve and this means promoting a safe, and transparent working environment. We will continue to nurture a learning culture where staff feel comfortable to speak out."

The annual staff survey measures that contribute to the rankings include: fairness and effectiveness of procedures for reporting incidents; staff confidence in reporting unsafe practice; and how confident staff feel in contributing to improvements.

This year's League shows that 18 organisations were rated as outstanding, 102 as good, 78 had significant concerns and 32 had a poor reporting culture.

At the Global Patient Safety Summit the Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, will announce ambitious plans to improve safety and transparency within the NHS. The Learning from Mistakes League data is one part of the package around promoting the learning culture in NHS organisations.

Monitor, the regulator for health services in the UK, and the NHS Trust Development Authority (TDA), who support governance for all NHS Trusts, published the data that has been drawn from the 2015 NHS staff survey and from the National Reporting and Learning System data.

For more information about the Learning from Mistakes League data and the Global Safety Summit, visit the Government website.

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