Join us for Cancer in the Community

Published: 2nd April 2019

CLCH Academy is running a three-day ​cancer in the community ​course for community and district nurses working in south west london. 

The course will enhance nurses' knowledge and understanding of cancer and its treatment, increase their confidence to communicate with patients and their relatives more supportively and improve their ability to deliver safe, evidence-based holistic care. 

Participants will also improve their understanding of: 

  • aetiology and the patho-physiology of cancer 

  • early diagnosis and the role of screening to improve cancer outcomes 
  • the impact of a cancer diagnosis on the patiet and patient's family 
  • anti-cancer treatments and their wider impact on patient's lives 
  • oncological emergencies 
  • recovery package and personalised care
  • the importance of a multi-disciplinary team approach in supporting patients living with cancer 

​The course will run from 09:00 to 16:30 on Wednesday 24 April, Tuesday 30 April and Thursday 30 May 2019 and the meeting rooms can be found on the Hub

The course is free-to-attend for nurses in south west London and students are expected to attend all three of the days and spend one day on a relevant placement. 

Book your place: 

You can book your place via ESR Learning. If you have any questions, email


Pre-course e-learning: 

All students are required to complete an e-learning module before attending the course sessions. You can access the e-learning modules on the e-Learning for Healthcare website​