CLCH's walk in centre at Soho will be operating as a walk in service
Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust is pleased to announce that from 7 May 2024, the Soho walk in Centre at Frith Street will be operating as a walk-in service.
The walk-in service allows for patients (over 16 years old) to have more flexibility when attending the centre and will not need to book to be seen, ensuring access to same day emergency care. We aim to see patients within four hours.
In addition to this, it allows CLCH to provide increased support to alleviate pressures on local GP services and A&E.
The walk-in service will continue to be led by clinical practitioners for patients (registered and unregistered). Our practitioners will be able to assess, diagnose and treat a number of minor illnesses and manage wounds via this service.
Clinical practitioners can be nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists or paramedics that have developed the skills and knowledge to take on expanded roles to assess and manage patients suitable for care at the walk in centres. They are able to prescribe administer or supply medications where required.
When patients arrive at the walk-in centre, they will be booked in by one of our reception coordinators who will ask some details including the reason for visiting the centre. Patients will then wait for the initial assessment known as triage which is usually within 15 minutes after being booked in. Triage is to ensure we are the most appropriate healthcare service.
Rachel Dines, Head of Clinical Services at CLCH, said: “By operating as a walk in service, we are able to see patients who have minor illnesses and manage wounds without them needed to attend A&E. The decision to revert to a walk in service is based on our patients’ needs and as always we aim to continue delivering the best possible care.”
New opening hours from 7 May 2024:
Monday: Closed
Tuesday-Friday: 8am-6pm
Bank holidays: 10am-6pm
You can attend our Soho walk in Centre at 1 Frith Street, London, W1D 3HZ.
If you have health concerns, you can also:
- Call your GP practice, or visit your GP practice website
- Call 111, or visit www.111.NHS.UK
- Call 999 if it’s an emergency and you feel your life is in danger.