CLCH triumphs in Stonewall Top 100 Employers Index
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CLCH has been ranked 40th in Stonewall's Top 100 Employers 2015. The Index, released today, showcases Britain's best employers for lesbian, gay and bisexual staff. CLCH was also placed an impressive 3rd overall in the health sector category from a total of 51 employers across England, Wales and Scotland.
Thirty staff from CLCH are part of its 'Rainbow Network', an advocacy lobbying and support network for LGBT employees and patients.
James Reilly, Chief Executive at CLCH said: "We're very pleased to support the Rainbow Network at CLCH. Our listing in this year's index is a true testament to the work we do to attract and support a diverse and committed workforce, in the pursuit of delivering high quality patient care to our communities in London."
Barbara Havlin, Chair of CLCH's Rainbow Network said: "We're extremely proud to have been included in Stonewall's Top 100 Employers, having achieved so much as an organisation in creating a safer, positive culture for our LGBT employees, patients and service users. I would like to thank the network and our partners for their dedication and hard work."
The Top 100 list is based on the results of Stonewall's Workplace Equality Index 2015, the eleventh published by the charity. The Index is based on a range of key indicators which include a confidential questionnaire of lesbian, gay and bisexual staff, with over 9,700 participants. This consistently revealed that employees from organisations ranked in Stonewall's Top 100 exhibited higher levels of staff satisfaction and loyalty.