CLCH Tackling Unacceptable Behaviour Week

Published: 19th April 2021

This week (Monday 19 April 2021 - Sunday 25 April 2021) marks the Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust (CLCH) Tackling Unacceptable Behaviour campaign.

Employees of CLCH have the right to work and carry out their duties in an environment free from violence, threatening or abusive behaviour.

All our employees are required to treat each other with dignity and respect. We expect the same from those who are in receipt of the care that we provide.

Whilst unacceptable behaviour is rare, we do not tolerate it from patients, their relatives and/or the public and will act appropriately in every case where patients or families abuse our staff.


What CLCH considers as unacceptable behaviour:

• offensive or abusive language, verbal abuse and swearing, including racist and discriminatory language
• loud and intrusive conversation
• invasion of personal space
• brandishing of objects or weapons
• threats or risk of serious injury to a member of staff, fellow patients or visitors
• bullying, victimisation or intimidation
• stalking
• unreasonable behaviour and non-cooperation
• destruction of or damage to property

We recognise that you may be experiencing pain or distress which may affect your mood, but this does not excuse unacceptable behaviour - we should all treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves.

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