CLCH Staff Awards – your chance to nominate an employee who has made a difference!

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Published: 28th June 2022

(Nominations have now closed)

Our annual Staff Awards will be taking place again this year in November. This is a real highlight for the Trust and it is a wonderful opportunity for us to celebrate the extraordinary people and teams that make up CLCH.

We have 20 award categories, but one award that is particularly exciting for us is the Patient Award. This award recognises a CLCH employee or team that has made a huge difference to patients and service-users.

We would love to hear from people who would like to nominate an individual or team for this award! 

Please note that by submitting a nomination, you are consenting to us contacting you should your nominee win the award. You can nominate as many people as you would like, however you will need to submit a new nomination each time.

Entries are open now and will stay open until midnight on Friday 5 August 2022. Please ensure you submit your nomination before the deadline.

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