CLCH makes every contact count with mould
Staff across CLCH strive to make every contact count (MECC) with the residents that they visit. This means using day to day interactions and opportunities with individuals to initiate conversations on behaviour change.
During winter, mould in homes can become an increasing problem and a threat to residents’ health as the combination of colder temperatures and increased indoor humidity helps its growth.
CLCH’s staff in Barnet (the North Central Division) have brought together useful guidance cards about how to reduce mould, for all CLCH staff and patients, developed from NICE (National Institute for Healthcare Excellence) information and experience and knowledge of our CLCH clinicians. The cards list the common causes of mould and simple steps of avoiding them for residents living in both private and social housing. The guidance cards, one set for all CLCH staff and another for patients, can be printed and taken to home visits, so staff and patients have a step by step process for preventing the growth of mould in homes, and its harmful effects, to refer to.
Barbara Hite, Case Manager in Barnet Integrated Adult Community Service has been offering advice about how to reduce occurrences of mould, while visiting her patients. She said:
‘On many of my visits as a case manager I have found homes to be damp, for example, windows with heavy condensation, and windows not being able to be opened properly. Some properties also have no outside space and washing is being hung in confined areas causing more damp and moisture.
‘All these factors have the potential to develop mould spores, and what’s worse is that mould is not always visible.
‘Often these situations arise when people do not know or understand the risk of mould developing or the effect it can have on the health of an individual.’
Barbara would ask residents about the facilities on site, like a launderette, to prevent activity such as air-drying clothes which is moisture-producing and can cause mould. She would connect patients with relevant resources to inform them of best practice for ventilating the home, and who to contact for repairs or updates that can improve ventilation.
Communities can reduce the growth of mould in their homes via steps outlined in these guidance cards for download.