CLCH leading the way in reducing pressure ulcers for STOP the Pressure Week 2024

Published: 20th November 2024

Each year, Stop the Pressure Week, which coincides with International Stop Pressure Ulcers Day on 21 November, serves as a vital reminder of the importance of preventing pressure ulcers, a condition that can significantly impact patients' health and quality of life. This campaign highlights the need for awareness, education, and proactive care in safeguarding vulnerable individuals.

Our dedicated staff across bedded units, community services, and the tissue viability service continue to have a profound impact on patients with pressure ulcers offering expert care and personalised care that improve patients' quality of life.

From October 2023 to the end of October 2024, there were 1,653 pressure ulcers across the Trust that were CLCH attributable in the community setting. This represents a reduction of 560 pressure ulcers compared to last year—a significant achievement that highlights the dedication and effectiveness of our teams in preventing and managing pressure ulcers.

Tissue Viability Nurse Team Lead for Brent and Harrow, Sunita Shrestha said: “Pressure ulcers are a known problem, which can severely impact on a patient’s quality of life. The majority can be prevented with early identification of risks. It is down to everyone – patients, families, carers and healthcare professionals – to help prevent them from occurring. Pressure ulcer occurs mostly due to any severity of reduced mobility. Our nurses and staff play a crucial role in providing care, monitoring, and implementing preventive measures such as repositioning patients and using pressure-relieving equipment to minimise the risk of pressure ulcers."

Deputy Chief Nursing Officer, Billy Hatifani ​​​added: "Over the last 12 months there has been a 25% reduction in pressure ulcers that occurred during our care in the community. We have enhanced the use of new approaches and technology to improve patient outcomes and overall harm from pressure ulcers. We recently won Nursing Times Technology Award following a targeted approach to rolling out SEM scanners on Furness and Robertson Wards in Brent. This is an outstanding achievement for our clinical teams as the use of SEM scanners, PURPOSE T, training and other early warning approaches have led to a reduction in development of pressure ulcers. The Stop the Pressure Week campaign aims to increase awareness among healthcare professionals and the general public about the severe impact of pressure ulcers. As we approach another demanding winter season, the campaign emphasises the importance of proactive measures to reduce harm."

For Stop the Pressure Week, we celebrate the extraordinary efforts of our teams and reaffirm our commitment to preventing pressure ulcers—because every patient deserves dignity, comfort, and the best possible care.

See the Stop the Pressure website for resources for tissue viability nurses to increase professional and public awareness about pressure ulcers.


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