CLCH launches trust-wide Gloves Off campaign

Published: 6th February 2024

CLCH has become the latest NHS Trust to adopt a 'Gloves Off' campaign, which aims to reduce the unnecessary use of non-sterile disposable gloves for patients without a known infection risk. 

We believe that reducing unnecessary gloves use and focusing on good hand hygiene and infection prevention principles will lead to a better and safer experience for both patients and staff.

Our staff have been reminded that gloves may not be needed for contact with patients without a known infection risk, unless contact with bodily fluids is anticipated, or another risk requiring gloves is identified.

Speaking about the campaign Dr Nicola Kemp, Chief Medical Officer, said: 

“We are delighted to launch the CLCH Gloves Off campaign, which aims to reduce unnecessary use of gloves through increasing staff awareness best practice for when to wear gloves in clinical areas.  

"The campaign has been brought about jointly by the Green and Infection, Prevention and Control teams. Currently, CLCH uses 6.5 million non-sterile gloves per year, which use around 338,000kg CO2e to produce. We are excited about the potential positive impacts in terms of environmental sustainability, infection prevention and control, staff skin health and cost. 

"Thanks for your support of this campaign!”

Tom Wright, Director of Sustainability at CLCH and West London NHS Trust said:

“Unnecessary glove use creates tonnes of waste and carbon emissions and costs the NHS. That’s why I’m delighted that CLCH has joined the national effort to reduce the use of non-sterile disposable gloves for non-infectious patients. I am looking forward to working with staff to deliver #GlovesOff and reduce our impact on the environment.”

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