CLCH launches guidelines on prescribing infant formulae

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Published: 13th August 2015
The Paediatric Dietetic Service at CLCH has launched guidelines advising on prescribable formula for infants suffering: from cows' milk protein allergy, prematurity, faltering growth, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and lactose intolerance.
The guidelines are targeted at infants aged 0-12 months and offer advice on the following;
  • Suitable over the counter products available where appropriate;
  • When to initiate a prescription;
  • Quantities to prescribe;
  • Which products to prescribe for different clinical conditions;
  • Triggers for reviewing and discontinuing prescriptions; and
  • When onward referral for dietetic advice and/or secondary/specialist care should be considered.
It should be noted that breast milk remains the optimal milk for infants and should be encouraged where it is clinically safe to do so and the mother is in agreement.

The full guidance, which was adapted with permission from the former NHS Essex CSU, is now available to read here.

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