CLCH interim Chief Executive appointment

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Published: 5th January 2016
Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust has appointed Peter Coles as interim Chief Executive Officer for six months. Peter will join the Trust on 11 January 2016.
Pamela Chesters, CLCH Chairman, said: "I am pleased to announce the appointment of Peter Coles as our interim Chief Executive. Peter is a highly experienced CEO who has worked extensively in London and the Home Counties leading acute, community and commissioning organisations. He has also overseen major change and integration programmes working both with partner organisations and at the Department of Health.
"The next six months will be a particularly busy time for the Trust with the next phase of our Foundation Trust application approaching ; intensive work with Inner London CCGs and other NHS provider partners on the integration of service gathering pace ; the addition of staff from Merton and Harrow; while all the time focussing on continuing to provide high quality patient care. Peter's leadership will be a great help as we work through these challenges and I know he is looking forward to joining us."
The appointment follows James Reilly, current CEO, applying for retirement after a period of ill health following a stroke. Arrangements for recruiting a permanent Chief Executive are underway.

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