CLCH Health Visitors achieve Stage 1 accreditation of UNICEF UK’s Baby Friendly Initiative (BFI

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Published: 14th September 2015
CLCH's health visiting service in Barnet has achieved Stage 1 accreditation of UNICEF UK's Baby Friendly Initiative (BFI).

The Barnet Breastfeeding Support team received particular recognition for its work supporting mothers in areas of high need and the delivery of BFI training provided to all health visitors across CLCH and children's centre staff in Barnet.

Beth Menger, Clinical Business Unit Manager at CLCH said: " We're very proud to have received this accolade. It's testament to the dedication of our peer supporters and health visitors who work so hard to provide high quality support, information and encouragement to mothers to help them initiate and continue breastfeeding successfully ".
The UK BFI is based on a global accreditation programme of UNICEF and the World Health Organization, designed to support breastfeeding and parent infant relationships by working with public services to improve standards of care.

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