CLCH featured in NHS Providers ‘Providers Deliver: Trusts in Systems’ report
A new report by NHS Providers ‘Providers Deliver: Trusts in Systems’ celebrates the work of NHS Trusts who are constantly seeking to improve care for patients and service users.
In the seventh edition in the publication series, the report showcases how CLCH is playing a key role in shaping, supporting and co-leading the development of system working through virtual wards in our Hertfordshire and South West divisions. It highlights how CLCH’s virtual wards are tackling health inequalities, supporting admission avoidance and early supported discharge, and collaborating across systems.
Virtual wards allow patients to receive the care they need at home, supported by a mix of new technology (for example, rapid diagnostic tests), remote monitoring and in-person visits.
The CLCH Hertfordshire team, as a partner in the South and West Hertfordshire Health and Care Partnership (SWHHCP), which includes West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals Trust (WHTH), have built on progress made during the pandemic to deliver two different virtual wards models; one for heart failure and another for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients.
The South West Hospital @ Home team supports older and frailer patients in Wandsworth and Merton.
Both virtual wards started with a focus on early supported discharge and have now extended their work to include admission avoidance.
The two models share aims to reduce length of stays, prevent avoidable admissions, and improve patient experience and outcomes.
Importantly, both virtual wards have received excellent feedback from patients.