CLCH embraces Net Zero Week

Net zero is the world’s answer to stopping climate change. On the 27th June 2019, the UK became the first major economy in the world to pass laws to end our contribution to climate change.
CLCH is proud to support Net Zero Week, which runs from 2 July to 8 July, a government and non-governmental organisation initiative in its second year.
The UK government has committed to reducing all emissions to zero by 2050, as well as raising awareness and taking steps toward a net zero future. The week also aims to help individuals understand how to reduce emissions and unlock the benefits, as well as to bring industries together to focus on something important to all of us: our planet, our people, and their long-term viability.
At CLCH, we are committed to reducing our environmental impact and providing sustainable healthcare to ensure better health for future generations. The Trust Board places great importance on environmental sustainability which is one of four strategic priorities set out in the CLCH Integrated Strategy (2020-25). The CLCH Green Plan and Aspirational Pathway framework outlines how we will achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2040, in line with NHS England's carbon neutral target, as well as how we are supporting the ‘For a greener NHS’ programme and the Net Zero NHS Plan. Our strategy focuses on actions that are currently being implemented across key areas, including procurement and supply chains; medicines; digital transformation; estates and facilities; and travel and transport.
Elizabeth Hale, Director of Improvement and Executive Lead said: "At CLCH, we are investing in carbon reduction and taking action as quickly as we can as we are facing a climate emergency. I urge all staff and patients to think about the actions we can take together to protect the earth’s resources which are finite."
In the coming weeks, you will see blogs from some of our green champions and sustainability advocates outlining personal measures they have taken, such as switching to an electric vehicle and cycling enthusiasts who support efforts to conserve the environment and strive to reduce their personal carbon footprint.
We hope you enjoy reading these and learning more about the incredible work our staff have been undertaking.
Find out more about our progress updates on our green plan, accomplishments and initiatives the Trust is undertaking to achieve aspirational targets and path to becoming net zero:
To learn more about Net Zero Week and how you can help reduce climate change as a business and consumer, visit the official Net Zero website.