Chair of NHS England visits CLCH

Published: 1st July 2022

Earlier this week, we welcomed the Chair of NHS England, Richard Meddings CBE to show him the amazing work we are doing, especially in our Inner North West Division. 

Richard was joined by our CEO, James Benson, Philippa Johnson, Director of Operations, and Chad Hockey, Clinical Director Inner North West Division who gave him an overview of CLCH, the services we provide across our 11 boroughs, and how we work with our partners – in particular with our Primary Care Networks.

During the visit, Richard accompanied by Annabel Burkmisher, Director of Nursing and Therapies, met some of clinical teams including our Integrated Multi-Organisational Post-Covid Service, Adult Autism Service, Adult Community Nursing, Complex Children’s Nursing and Psychology as part of the Child Development Service, and our Community Neurorehabilitation Service teams.

Our clinical teams explained how they work across the inner boroughs with partners to deliver care in the community including the rising demand and increasing complexity on services. Inequalities in the community exposed during the pandemic were also highlighted and how we provide support to those most in need.

Richard also went on a site visit to Edward Alsop Hostel where he met Marie O’Donoghue, from our Homeless Health Team and colleagues from the hostel to learn more about the work that they do.

Marie explained how the team are taking healthcare to the most vulnerable and marginalised groups and how this is breaking down barriers. The team are very passionate about advocating for their clients, and shared opportunities for further integration from other services to ensure clients are able to be supported in their home rather than being transferred to other healthcare settings (which can often be very challenging).

Richard was very impressed with our teams and the different services that we offer across all our boroughs.

Thank you to everyone involved in organising and supporting the visit.

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