Celebrating Stammering Awareness Day
Tuesday, October 22nd is Stammering Awareness Day, an annual occasion that shines a light on the stammering community and their experiences. This day is not just a celebration but also a call to action—to increase understanding, support individuals who stammer, and work to break down the stigma that often surrounds speech differences.
In Hertfordshire, the Speech and Language Therapy group for adults who stammer took a creative approach to this year’s awareness day. Group members were asked to create visual representations of what stammering means to them. These powerful pieces illustrate the deep impact of societal stigma, highlighting the struggles many people who stammer face—both externally and internally.
Stammering Awareness Day is an opportunity for everyone to reflect on how we perceive speech differences. It’s a reminder to challenge the negative stereotypes and misconceptions that can lead to shame or embarrassment. As the stammering community demonstrates, there is strength and pride in every voice, no matter how it sounds.
'Stammering Awareness Day provides a wonderful opportunity to raise awareness of stammering and the impact it can have on an individual's life. It is a chance to celebrate difference, challenge stigmas and highlight sources of support available for people who stammer'. Kayleigh Schurer, Speech and Language Therapist
We encourage you this week to think about how you can contribute to a more inclusive society, one where everyone feels confident in the way they speak.
For those who would like to learn more about stammering, or if you stammer yourself, resources are available on the British Stammering Association website.