Barnet diabetes team in the heart of the community
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The CLCH Barnet community diabetes team hosted a very successful interactive event to raise awareness of diabetes and promote healthy lifestyles in Brent Cross on 19 July.
Despite the typical British weather, 140 members of the local community attended, with staff from the diabetes team on hand throughout the day to offer advice on diet and weight management and answer questions.
As part of the activities, guests had the opportunity to take part in a diabetes food quiz which participants could apply to their own diet to help measure their risk of developing the condition. An alarming 50% scored as moderate or high risk, all of whom were offered an HbA1c test on site.
The team were delighted to welcome the Deputy Mayor for Barnet, David Longstaff, and Deputy Baroness, Ms Gillian Griffiths, who also took part in the event.