AHPs' Day 2024
It's National AHPs' Day where we take a moment to celebrate and acknowledge the incredible contribution of Allied Health Professionals in supporting people in our communities.
National AHPs’ Day was developed by the AHP Community to connect and celebrate AHPs and is now recognised internationally.
AHPs are the third-largest clinical workforce within health and care in the UK and at CLCH alone there are almost 900 AHPs working in professions including Dietetics, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Physiotherapy and Podiatry.
This year, the key theme for AHPs’ Day is quality and safety and we’re shining a spotlight on some of the work CLCH AHPs are doing to improve the experiences of patients in our care.
In the video below you will hear from Raveena Sharma, a Trainee Advanced Clinical Practitioner at the Urgent Care Centre at St Charles Hospital, who shares her story of completing a masters degree in advanced clincial practice so she can builld her skills and knowledge to improve the quality of care she's providing to patients.