Attend our Celebrating Improvement conference
Published: 13th February 2020
Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust (CLCH) Celebrating Improvement Conference
At this Improvement Celebration event, you will hear from colleagues and patients about improvement and innovation at our Trust.
There will also be the chance to hear from organisational and national improvement leaders on the future direction of improvement including improvement and innovation in primary care networks. This will be an unmissable day for anyone looking to learn more about improvement and network with people from across the system. Visit Eventbrite for more details and a full list of speakers.
On the day you will:
- hear from influential speakers such as Hugh McCaughey – National Director
of Improvement​ for NHS England (pictured right) and Charlie Sheldon - Chief Nurse, CLCH
- get an introduction on Shared Governance from Nikki Ireland, CLCH Shared Governance Programme Lead
- learn from Quality Council members as they tell us about their QI journey, specifically learning, outcomes and improvements they have made
- see our aspiring and winning improvement projects
- find out about the latest thinking on quality improvement within Primary Care Networks.