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Reference FOI/25/332
Description Cancelled Operations
Date requested 20/01/2025
Attachments N/A


1. In the financial years 22/23, 23/24 and 24/25, how many surgeries and operations were cancelled in your trust? Please provide a breakdown by financial year

2. In the financial years 22/23, 23/24 and 24/25, how many of these cancellations were owing to problems relating to faults in equipment and infrastructure? Specifically, we are looking at the following reasons for cancellation: Equipment being unavailable due to damage, the operating room was deemed unsuitable (due to factors such as temperature, mould or concerns about its structural integrity e.g. RAAC). Please provide a breakdown by year and by reason for cancellation (Equipment, Infrastructure concerns and other). 


Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust can confirm that, this is non-applicable to our service as this is not an acute Trust.

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