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Reference | FOI/25/328 |
Description | Insourcing |
Date requested | 15/01/2025 |
Attachments | N/A |
1. Please confirm whether your trust has ever utilised an Insourcing model to combat and reduce waiting list times?
Reply: CLCH has engaged with external providers to deliver insourcing models to support clear waiting times for a limited amount of services where wait times are not at expected level. Providers utilised include XylaCare, Your Medical Services (YMS), Portman.
2. If so, please can you confirm whether one has been utilised in the last 12 months, and for what specialty including any associated sub-specialty.
Reply: Services utilised within the last 12 months include:
- Respiratory service – asthma, COPD, and sleep pathways, Cardio
- Bladder and Bowel/Continence
- Neurology rehab
- Planned Care therapy
- Tissue Viability Nursing
- Lymphoedema Nursing
- Podiatry
- SLT Adults
- Falls rehab
- Childrens OT
- Childrens PT
- Sexual Health Service – LARC and Psychosexual counselling
- Dental
3. Please confirm the frameworks utilised for insourcing and if there were any direct awards made. If so, please confirm who they were made to and for what purpose.
Reply: NHS Shared Business Service’s Insourcing of Clinical Support Services, Reference Number SBS10203. Direct Awards were made to Xyla and Your Medical Services Limited. The purpose was to secure additional clinical capacity to meet demand and reduce waiting times.
4. In the period 1st October 2024 to 31st December 2024 please provide a breakdown of:
- Total trust spend with Insourcing contracts
Please provide a further breakdown for Insourcing contracts by:
- Spend per specialty
- Spend per agency name
Reply: This information is commercially sensitive and we are unable to share this.
5. Please confirm your allocated budget for Insourcing staffing for the period 1st October 2024 to 31st December 2024
Reply: No specific budget allocated for this.