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Reference | FOI/25/326 |
Description | NHS pharmacy aseptic services |
Date requested | 15/01/2025 |
Attachments | N/A |
Existing aseptic compounding services
- Does your Trust provide in-house aseptic compounding services? If yes:
What type of aseptic products are prepared in-house (e.g. chemotherapy, SACT, parenteral nutrition, CIVAS, antibiotics)?
How many aseptic units does your Trust operate?
Please confirm whether each aseptic unit operated by your trust is on-site or off-site. If off-site, please specify the location.
- Do you outsource any aseptic compounding services to external providers (either NHS Trusts or industry providers)? If yes:
To which organisations do you outsource aseptic compounding services?
What type of aseptic products are outsourced to these organisations (e.g. chemotherapy, SACT, parenteral nutrition, CIVAS, antibiotics)?
When are these contracts due to run until?
What is the value of each of these contracts per annum?
Future plans for aseptic compounding services
3. Does your Trust have plans to expand or upgrade its existing aseptic compounding facilities? If yes, please provide details.
Are there existing or planned strategic partnerships or collaborations (with other NHS Trusts or industry providers) to expand or enhance aseptic services?
Are there plans to transition more services in-house or increase outsourcing for aseptic preparations? If yes, please provide detail of these plans.
4. Who is the best person to contact regarding the setup of aseptic compounding services for your organisation? Please provide name, position and contact details where possible.
Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust can confirm that, we do not provide in-house aseptic compounding services nor does the trust outsource any aseptic compounding services to external providers. The Trust does not have plans for aseptic compounding services in the future.