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Reference FOI/25/311
Description Key Worker Accommodation
Date requested 14/11/2024
Attachments N/A


Please could I submit some follow ups?

1. Has your trust offered key worker accommodation historically?

a. If your trust has offered this historically, and you don’t currently, why do you no longer provide it?

b. If your trust has offered this historically, what happened to the accommodation you did have?


We do not recall any Trust offering except overseas nurses temporarily – 6 weeks - however we know the Trust never has owned any key worker accommodation being a community Trust. we do not offer, nor have we ever offered keyworker accommodation in the sense how acute trusts do. We refer staff to keyworker housing managed by external providers only and do not control any part of the application, rental or accommodation management process


Note: Response additional to FOI/25/272

Please specify the number of all key worker properties (i.e. through intermediate rented properties, shared ownership or FTBI) provided for NHS workers over the past five years by your trust. 0

  1. Please specify the number of agreements with property developers your trust has made to secure key worker accommodation over the past five years. 0
  2. Please specify whether any properties designated for key worker accommodation have then been sold or rented on the private market – i.e. to people other than NHS key worker staff in the past five years by your trust. No
  3. If properties designated for key worker accommodation have been sold/rented on private market by your trust, please outline how many in the past five years. n/a
  4. If properties designated for key worker accommodation have been sold/rented on private market by your trust and have been secured through property developer deals (as in point 2), please specify how many in the past five years. n/a
  5. If properties designated for key worker accommodation have been sold/rented on private market by your trust, please outline why n/a
  6. Please outline how many key workers are currently waiting for key worker accommodation at your trust. This is not data we would hold

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