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Reference FOI/25/303
Description Patient Transport Services
Date requested 10/12/2024


1. Who provides (or has been awarded to commence) your patient transport services? ATL – Ambulance Transfers Ltd from January 2024 / HATS prior to this date


2. When does the current (or mobilising contract) contract end? 2026


3. What is the value of this contract per annum (i.e. for 2023/24 or the tendered value if not yet live)? This is a pay per journey contract


4. Have you contracted jointly with other NHS organisations? If so, which organisations? No


5. Who is the best person to contact regarding NEPTS for your organisation? Please provide a name, position and email address where possible. Laura Williams, Director of Operational Resilience –


6. Please share the tender submission for the awarded provider(s). This may be multiple if the service was tendered in lots. Commercially sensitive (Section43)


7. For all current contracts, please provide the following KPIs by month for the 12 months of December 2023 to November 2024: See attached spreadsheet, noting December 23 the Trust was in contract with a different NEPTS provider.

a. Inbound performance - % of patients arriving on time for their appointment (0 minutes late) – see attached

b. Outbound performance - % of outpatients collected within 60 minutes of agreed / ready time – see attached

c. Outbound performance - % of discharges & transfers collected within 60 minutes of agreed / ready time – see attached

d. Outbound performance - % of patients attending hemodialysis collected within 30 minutes of agreed / ready time Not applicable to CLCH

e. The abort rate % - Not a KPI or information collected in this way.


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