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Reference FOI/25/271
Description Request for Information on Friends and Family Test Survey Contract
Date requested 14/11/2024
Attachments N/A


1.Are you currently using a 3rd party provider platform to manage the FFT surveys ?, if so please provide the name? Healthcare Communications, owned by Cisco

2.Actual spend from the Start of the contract to the current date with costs detailed per annum. Value is £60k.

3.Initial Start date of the contract? 29/4/2020

4. Expiry date of the original contract? Unfair competitive advantage

5. Is there an extension option in the contract ? How many extension terms are available ? and what stage of extensions are you currently on ? Unfair competitive advantage

6. If nearing extension has a decision been made on extending the contract to what period? Unfair competitive advantage

7. The pay bands of staff and Whole Time Equivalents directly responsible for the management of the Friends and Family Test. The trust has engaged section 40(2) of act- we do not share details of staff who are non patient facing

8. Kindly advise on all the methods of collecting feedback used : ( For example, online survey, telephone survey, sms outbound and inbound , paper forms). Including volumes of each. Paper Forms and Online Survey

9.Name & Job Title of the senior staff (outside of procurement) responsible for this contract? The trust has engaged section 40(2) of act- we do not share details of staff who are non-patient facing

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