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Reference FOI/25/210
Description Staffing: Outsourced Occupational Health
Date requested 08/10/2024
Attachments N/A


1. Does your trust outsource Occupational Health Services given to your clinical staff to third-party providers? - CLCH does not outsource our Occupational Health Service, the OH Service is managed internally.

2. If some or all of the OH services are provided from an outsourced contract, please provide the following information for each active outsourced contract in occupational health for your trust:

a) Number of occupational contracts, including the name of the company that provides it. – N/A

b) Whether the contract was a physical health occupational service contract, a mental health occupational service contract, or both – N/A

c) Duration of each occupational health contract. – N/A

d)The estimated value for each contract. – N/A

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