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Reference FOI/25/198
Description Staffing: Agency Nurses
Date requested 18/09/2024
Attachments N/A


  1. Can you confirm your head of procurement name, phone number and email address?
  2. How many agency nursing shifts have your Trust used Thornbury Nursing Services for between 1st June 2024 and 1st August 2024?
  3. Please provide a breakdown of the amount of shifts per ward or department where Thornbury Nursing Services were used between 1st June 2024 and 1st August 2024?
  4. Please name any other OFF CONTRACT SUPPLIERS who have been utilised by the Trust between 1st June 2024 and 1st August 2024 above the NHS Improvement + 50% caps and how many shifts each of these agencies have filled.
  5. If for any reason you are unable to supply data up until 1st June 2024 and 1st August 2024 please provide from 1st March until 1st May.
  6. Can you confirm your head of procurement name, phone number and email address?
  7. Can you confirm medical director name, phone number and email address for Psychiatry?


For questions 1, 4, 5 and 6 – please see the below for exemptions placed.

Section 40(2) of the FOI Act, as release of this information would constitute disclosure of personal identifiable data.

 Question 7. Would be Nil as this is not applicable to CLCH.

 The following answers are seen below:

  1. How many agency nursing shifts have your Trust used Thornbury Nursing Services for between 1st June 2024 and 1st August 2024?
    9 shifts
  2. Please provide a breakdown of the amount of shifts per ward or department where Thornbury Nursing Services were used between 1st June 2024 and 1st August 2024? 1 location
  3. Please name any other OFF CONTRACT SUPPLIERS who have been utilised by the Trust between 1st June 2024 and 1st August 2024 above the NHS Improvement + 50% caps and how many shifts each of these agencies have filled. This is commercially sensitive, but other OFW providers have covered 130 shifts
  4. If for any reason you are unable to supply data up until 1st June 2024 and 1st August 2024 please provide from 1st March until 1st May. N/A

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