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Reference FOI/25/174
Description Mobile
Date requested 04/09/2024
Attachments N/A


I want to make a Freedom of Information request, could you please send me the following information with regards to the organisation’s Mobile Phones contract.

You may have received the same request in the past and this information sent has now expired and I require an update as soon as possible for the following information:

If there is more than one provider, please split all the information including the annual average spend, number of connections, duration, contract dates and internal contact details.


1. Network Provider(s) – Vodaphone

2. Annual Average Spend for each Network Provider - Estimated at approx. £300k

3. Number of Connections – C.13,000

4. Duration of the contract - 12 months

5. Contract Start Date – May 2024

6. Contract Expiry Date – May 2025

7. Contract Review Date – May 2025

8. The person in the organisation responsible for this particular contract. - Andrew Chronias, Chief Information Officer,

9.If the mobile phone contract is provided by a managed contract, please provide me with the actual name of the network provider along with the number of connections and the internal contact from within the organisation responsible for this contract. – N/A

10. Is this contract part of an aggregation exercise? – N/A

Please can you provide me with the latest information- If the organisations are currently out to tender, please can you also state the approx. date of the award along with the information above. – N/A

Also, if the contract in the response has expired/rolling please can you provide me with further information if available of the organisation's plans going forward with regards to mobiles and the contract status? – N/A

If this contract was awarded within the past three months, can you please provide me with a shortlist of suppliers that bid on the contract? – N/A

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