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Reference FOI/25/159
Description Clinical systems information
Date requested 21/08/2024


I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the FOI Act 2000.

Please proved information regarding the following systems:

1. Assessment and risk management

2. Child Health System

3. Clinical noting

4. Community Patient Administration System

5. Digital Dictation

6. EPR

7. E-rostering

8. HR

9. Sexual Health

10. Video Consulting


Please enter 'No System Installed' or ‘No Department’ under supplier name if your trust does not use the system or have the department:

a) System type –

b) Supplier name –

c) System name –

d) Date installed –

e) Contract expiration –

f) Is this contract annually renewed? - Yes/No

g) Do you currently have plans to replace this system? - Yes/No

h) Procurement framework –

i) Other systems it integrates with? –

j) Total value of contract (£) –

k) Notes - e.g. we are currently out to tender


Please provide your answer in the above format for each system.


System definitions:

Assessment and risk management: Electronic systems to perform patient/clinical assessments and risk management

Child Health System: Responsible for collating data from healthcare professionals for children aged 0-19 in a specified area, into a single child health record.

Clinical noting: A clinical noting documentation system that enables the electronic recording, storage and retrieval recording of patient medical records related to a patient’s diagnosis and care during an inpatient hospital visit or encounter.

Community Patient Administration System: These are the core enterprise systems, containing a Master Patient Index, used by NHS trusts to enable them to know when a patient has arrived, who they are, who they were seen by, what treatment they received and what happened to them. This core functionality, needed by every trust, covers admission, discharge and transfer.

Digital Dictation: device used for recording and managing natural speech, allowing staff to verbally input a patients' note into a system without having to manually input it.

EPR: An electronic patient/health record is an electronic record of periodic health care of a single individual, provided mainly by one institution. A digital version of a patient's paper chart.

E-rostering: An electronic staff management tool that enables trusts to plan staffing requirements, report on enhanced hours, overtime, sickness, TOIL and annual leave. Common suppliers include Allocate Software.

HR: HR software is a digital solution that encompasses various HR processes, such as personnel management, payroll processing, and compliance tracking, to streamline workforce management, enhance efficiency, and ensure adherence to NHS-specific regulations and requirements.

Sexual Health: Software designed to streamline and manage processes related to sexual health services, including appointment scheduling, patient records, and test result tracking.

Video Consulting: Is a system that is used when a patient speaks to a doctor or healthcare professional using the video camera in their smartphone, tablet or computer.


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