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Reference FOI/25/150
Description Staffing: Agency Use Within NHS Trusts
Date requested 13/08/2024
Attachments N/A


*Please note this request ideally refers to temp roles alone *

1. Has your trust used agencies to recruit any of the AHP roles detailed below? Yes

2. What was your monthly/quarterly agency spend on recruiting Radiographers? 0

3. What was your monthly/quarterly agency spend on recruiting Physiotherapists? Average 35k per month

4. What was your monthly/quarterly agency spend on recruiting Occupational Therapists? Average 37k per month

5. What was your monthly/quarterly agency spend on recruiting Speech and Language Therapists? Average 12k per month

6. What was your monthly/quarterly agency spend on recruiting Biomedical Scientists? N/A

7. What was your monthly/quarterly agency spend on recruiting Dieticians? Average 12k per month

8. What was your monthly/quarterly agency spend on recruiting Podiatrists? Average 11k per month


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